JEE Mains 2014 Examination Revised Dates For CBSE Class 12th Students


JEE Mains 2014 computer based exam dates are: 
9 April (coinciding with CBSE Class 12 Urdu exam)
11 April (coinciding with CBSE Class 12 Home Science exam)
12 April (coinciding with CBSE Class 12 Philosophy and Class 12 Entrepreneurship exams)
19 April

The JEE online examination is scheduled to take place on 9th April, 11th April, 12th April and 19th April between 9.30 am to 12.30 pm.

Upon receiving requests from aspirants worried about the clash of dates of the CBSE 12th Class board examination with JEE Mains computer-based exams, CBSE has given the option for change in exam slots for the latter.

To select the date, candidates can log in on the JEE Mains 2014 official website using their JEE Main 2014 Application Number and Password and choose the desired slot. The exam dates available for computer based exams are: 9th April 2014, 11th April 2014, 12th April 2014, and 19th April 2014. Candidates have a choice of two time slots as exams will be conducted in two shifts: 9:30 AM to 12:30 PM and 2 PM to 5 PM.

The successfully selection date and time slot will be given on the admit card which will be available online from 1st March 2014. The admit card will not be sent by mail but the JEE Main 2014 computer based exam question paper will be sent to candidates after the completion of the exam.

Latest news:

JEE Main 2014 examination will be conducted on 6th April by CBSE.


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