Job Description


Job Description

This is a written statement that describes the main features of the job. The information collected is to be developed in the form of a job description. This is a written statement that describes the main features of the job, as well the qualification or activities which the incumbents must posses.

Job Description is an important document, which is a basically descriptive in nature and contains a statement of job analysis. It provides both organizational and functional information’s. It defines the job activities, major responsibilities and positioning of the job. A job description statement contents following items;

(i) Job identity:

This includes job title, location, and occupational code, Alternative name in use, name of the division, department and unit where it exists.

(ii) Job Summary:

This gives a quick explanation of the contents of a job, its hazards or difficulties and discomforts.

(iii) Duties Performed:

It describes the responsibilities of a worker in regard to custody of money, supervision of other workers, training of subordinates.

(iv) Relation with other jobs:

This gives an extended view of the job. It is possible to show a fact figure of personnel to supervise.

(v) Supervision given or taken:

This is helpful to locate the job in the job hierarchy.

(vi) Machines, Tools, Equipments:

Types of machineries and materials used.

(vii) Form of Materials in Used:

  Information of unit job.

(viii) Condition of work:

Location- Factory / Office / Inside / Outside / underground / solitary place.

Time – Day / Night / Overtime

Posture – Standing / Sitting / Stopping / Climbing / Walking / Reaching / Lifting

Speed – Quick / Moderate / Slow

Accuracy – Coarse / Fine / Exacting

(ix)  Health Conditions:

Infrastructure – Ventilation / Illumination

Physical Strain – Nerve strain / Eye strain / Physical strain

Pollution – Moisture / Heat / Dust / Humidity / Fumes / Acids / Dirt / Noise

Accidents – Physical hazards

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