Job Interview is all about how confident you are!


We don’t use any specific document to ask questions to the candidates. It depends on person to person and upon his communication skills too. Firstly we ask questions to know how the person is – Family and educational background, what he is doing and where he was working previously. If the candidate looks confident then we go through their CV and start questioning from the work experience like where they are working, what are the job responsibilities, how do they manage all things, what achievements gained from the current organization and why they are looking out for job changes, salary expectations etc. If the candidate is comfortably giving all answers then the interview goes upto 45 mins.

Talking about my interview experience, when I came here to give an interview, I was interviewed by one of the trainees over here – an MBA trainee from Welingkar. She asked me how I am, where I am from, why I opted for BMS and what I learnt from the course. Then came questions related to the profile and company like – Why entering into the HR field, Did I know about HDFC, what is the job about, why HR only, why not other field and why BMS and not B.COM or BBI. I answered all these questions and I was done with the interview ;). She explained me the job profile and asked that would I be able to handle 9-10 hours work pressure and I confidently said YES. Then I was interviewed by Regional Head – HR who told me that I need to work for 12 hours. There will be work pressure of hiring staff as resignations are always there and I need to do multiple things – calling, scheduling, taking interviews, interacting with them and the whole HR process. Then the 3rd round of the interview was with the one who works under the Regional Head – HR. She is my supervisor now and motivates me to be active in the whole work and be always up-to-date with all things and data. Loads of data has to be kept of all candidates. I got selected. 1st day, I was replacing a girl who told me to go through what is HDFC all about and what is the process of HR in HDFC. In the same week, I was explained what HR is all about and what we can do over here from sourcing candidates, scheduling them, taking telephonic interviews and then taking face-to-face interviews. The 2nd round would be from providing them offer letter to making all documents ready for him to join the office. My job is to handle each candidate till the time he joins the branch. I look after Western area i.e. all branches between Dadar-Virar and all branches in South Gujarat. Also got to understand that the HR department of HDFC is not like a consultant and we have consultants who lineup candidates for us. Now the interaction with people from the one who sits as Welcome desk to Branch Manager to Cluster Head I know all and all know me :). I learnt negotiating and my communication skills have been developed. I learnt the way how to interact with people, convince them etc.


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Visshal T Sawant
Masters in Human Resources with 3 years+ of experience in HR. Currently working with Capgemini as an HR Business Partner. Contributing to other's success is a small medium to educate people about our knowledge. Let's be a part of other's successful journey & make them Happy. Inspire & Grow !!!


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