The Manual System of Jobseeker
Consultancy involves 3 entities.
Job Seekers
Main task of Consultant is to satisfy the requirements of Job Seekers and Employers.
E-consultancy is a website that provides current up-to-date job market information for job seekers and fresher, skilled and experienced persons for employers.”
Minimum Computer Configuration
Processor : Pentium (or higher processor)
RAM : 128 MB RAM
HDD : 40 GB Free Hard Disk space
Modem : Internal or External
Display : 14” color monitor
Resolution : 800 * 600 pixels
Front end Tools : JSP, Java Script, HTML,
JDK 1.1.8 (or higher)
Back end Tools : Oracle 8.0
Server : Jakarta-Tomcat 4.0.6 (or higher)
The System has four modules
Job Seekers
Job seekers module is one of the important main module of this system. This module maintains registration for new users, submit/update resume, login ,forgot password ,searching process.
This module maintains registration, login, forgot password, searching process.
Administrator is the only person that has all rights. He can use all facility that other users have but also they have facility to view all records of all employers and job seekers, update that record and delete that record.
Feedback sessions with groups of our users and they confirm face – either in the form of information or advice.
The system is designed to meet various requirements of the Employment. But there are some limitations like,
Membership functionality is not included so at this time it is free for all users.
All validation is done in JavaScript so it is require that JavaScript is not disabling on client’s browser.
Internet Explorer 5.5 or higher version require for better GUI.
Future Enhancements
Some expected future requirements are:
Add membership functionality.
Provide better search facility.
Add auto-email functionality.
Provide better security features.