Join Our Team

Hello All.
We at are bunch crazy people who think discussing is the new learning; because hey, the class room era is passe, right?
We are looking out for kickass content writing interns, social media interns and  marketing people to join the team and be a part of this awesome journey, where we take across all corners of the globe.
We want YOU if and only if you think you are 1. awesome and 2. committed to take brand BMS to the top!
Know more about us at : About

Positions available:
  1. Marketing & Sales Internship / Part-time :
    A Rocket Singh at heart is what is looking for! Consider as a venture that will support your dreams as it grows itself. You will be the most integral part of its growth story.
    Typically any professional / self-financing course student, though we are very willing to relax that requirement. A demonstrated record of direct selling will help.
    However, additionally, we also want you to be able to think strategically about marketing – in terms of executing new revenue models and plans. On ground event management will also be helpful since we plan to do a number of events with B – Schools / Colleges / Institutes.
    Work will thus involve building and nurturing relationships with our advertisers, B Schools and customers.
    If you have keen enthusiasm for marketing, good communication skills, hard working, persistent, a flair for learning and the confidence of taking team BMS ahead with this crucial role, we want YOU.
    Interested candidates can send their resumes to [email protected]
    If you think you’re good, we need you. We promise to help you become better and then the best!
  • Social Media Intern (Unpaid internship)

More details can be checked here  at : Making A Career Pick? Try Social Media Marketing!

  • Content Writer Intern (Unpaid internship)

More details can be checked here at : Content Writing Internship Program Details

We are the next big thing, be a part of this life-changing career opportunity before all positions get taken up!


  1. BMS is not hard nor BMS is easy it is the field of theoretical and practical both where you have to set up your own abilities and skills and talent where if u succeed than your growth is at high……….
    Prof Nikesh C Rawal
    Aptitude Classes

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