Joshi-Bedekar College, Thane


Vidya Prasarak Mandal was founded in the year 1935. Its founding fathers led by late Dr. V.N.Bedekar, a medical practitioner were men imbued with idealism and desire to serve the educational needs of the people of Thane.

Beginning with a primary school, Dr. Bedekar and his team, worked with missionary zeal. Today, the educational institutions established by Vidya Prasarak Mandal in Thane include:-

Dr. Bedekar Vidya Mandir (Marathi Medium)
Sou. A. K. Joshi English Medium School
B.N.Bandodkar College of Science
K.G.Joshi College of Arts
N.G.Bedekar College of Commerce
VPM’s TMC Law College
VPM’s Polytechnic
VPM’s Polytechnic IT Centre
Advanced Study Centre
Dr. V.N.Bedekar Institute of Research & Management Studies.

In 2008-2009 Vidya Prasarak Mandal opened its doors to two international institutions of repute. An educational collaboration was signed with California University of Technology, USA, (CalUniversity) for conducting professional courses namely, Master of Business Administration and Doctoral Programme in Business Administration. A MOU was signed with the University of Skovde Hogskolevagen, Sweden for conducting Graduate and Post Graduate Courses in Medical Biotechnology, Molecular Biology and Physiology.


“Information to Knowledge and Knowledge to Wisdom”


“To nurture and foster an innovative academic environment for critical thinking,all-round growth and continuous development of students and staff to make them sensitised and responsible citizens”

K.G. Joshi & N.G.Bedekar College of Arts & Commerce was the first institution of higher learning to be established in Thane City in 1969. Strategically located, the college is at walking distance from Thane Railway Station on the Central Railway line. It is well connected by bus services to every part of the city including Navi Mumbai.
The College received permanent affiliation, in January 1988 with effect from June 1982. It was awarded B++ by National Assessment and Accreditation Council (NAAC) set up by UGC in January 2004. The College had 5695 students registered on its rolls in 2008-2009.


The College admits students from a variety of backgrounds. The students profile ranges from first generation learners to children of established professionals. The college provides an atmosphere of learning and encouragement to all its students irrespective of their background. The environment in the college is such that even a student from the most humble background is motivated towards achieving excellence. The College is part of a vast campus aptly called Jnanadweepa. It offers all modern facilities such as spacious classrooms and reading hall, rich library, research & reference room, ladies room, gymkhana, conference hall and an amphitheatre called Kattyayan. The campus has a large canteen and a well equipped auditorium called Thorale Bajirao Peshwe Sabhagruha. The entire campus is connected with WIFI. One can have access to the wireless internet at any point in the campus with his / her laptop. A well laid path circumnavigating the campus offers an idyllic walk amidst trees and flowering plants. Jnanpath as it is called is a haven in a city starved of open spaces.

Physical Facilities are no doubt important, but it is the encouragement and support given to students at every stage that goes towards developing the personality of the student. Keeping this objective in view, the college offers a host of opportunities and facilities for the students

• Library : The College boasts of excellent library facilities with Home Lending Section, Acquisition Section, Research and Reference Section and Reading Hall. The Library offers Book Bank facility to needy students. A complete Database of the Library OPAC-Online Public Access Catalogue is available for the students and teachers. In addition to this, the library provides online access to reputed databases like JSTOR, EBSCO, HOST, CMIE, ERIC etc. The Library offers external membership facilities.

• Computer Lab : The College has a well designed air-conditioned computer lab with LCD facilities and seating arrangements for 60 students. Every student has access to a computer with software designed according to the syllabus. Practicals are conducted under the supervision of trained IT and Computer staff.

• Gymkhana : The College has a well-equipped gymkhana, which is managed by a team of students and encouraged by the Staff, which includes senior professors and physical instructor. The activities are developed to encourage all students to participate and learn. There is a functional gym with a trained instructor.

• Sports Academy : A Sports Academy has been set up for students with an inclination towards sports activities. The college encourages individuals and teams who participate in various sports and aim at achieving excellence. Our students have distinguished themselves in National & International sporting events.

•Cultural Activities : The cultural needs of the students are taken care of through various activities such as dramatics, music, dance etc. The college encourages and support festivals organized by students – Navrang, Gandharva and Chrysalis have become very popular among the students.
• Talent Academy : A Talent Academy is constituted to unfold the hidden talents of the students. Workshops are conducted in creative arts to nurture and develop talents of the students.
• Scholars Academy : To encourage academic excellence, a scholars academy has been formed. Academic toppers are invited to become members of the academy. The academy arranges for its students to attend lectures and discussions on various subjects in the college and outside, pursue academic interests and develop ones personality.
• National Service Scheme (NSS) : The contribution towards society is monitored by active participation of the students under the NSS scheme. The NSS encourages the development of the students as responsible citizens of the society.
• National Cadet Corp (NCC) : The college has an active Army and Naval wings for both men and women. Aspirants to a career in the defence services will find it rewarding to join the NCC.
• Counseling : The college has an inhouse counsellor to offer support and guidance to students in need of help. The confidentiality of the students is strictly maintained. In addition to psychological support, career guidance is provided to help individual student focus on his/her strength and thereby plan his/her success path.
• Student’s Council : A student’s council is formed in accordance with the provisions of the Mumbai University Act, 1994. It consists of class representatives and secretaries of different associations. The council acts as a liaison between the students and the Principal. Student representatives are provided a training ground for leadership roles in future.
• Civil Defence : The College has a Civil Defence unit to train the students in life saving techniques. Training is imparted in first aid, fire lighting, self rescue, handling unexploded bomb and general rescue methods. Students who complete the civil defence course are awarded certificates from the Maharashtra Government.

• Womens’ Development Cell (WDC) : The WDC believes in empowerment of girl students. The cell encourages the students into developing into confident individuals, ready to face the world.
• Placement Cell : The placement cell assists students in career counseling by professionals and securing placements. Our students have secured assignments in TCS, ICICI, Dawnaday AV, Thane Janata Sahakari Bank etc.
• Generation Dialogue: A forum titled Generation Dialogue has been established to encourage mutual understanding between the youth & senior citizens and bridge the generation gap. Senior citizens are invited to share their wisdom & experiences.

• National Seminars : The college has been conducting workshops and seminars at National level. Expert from various fields / subjects are invited as resource persons.
Seminar Conducted :
2004 – National Seminar- ‘Water Management Scenario 2025’.
2005 – State Seminar – ‘Marathi and Computers’
2006 – National Seminar – ‘ Bio-Ethics’
2007 – National Seminar – ‘Indian Philosophy – Its Relevance in the 21st Century’.
2008 – National Seminar – ‘Post independence Literature’.
2009 – International Seminar – ‘Mind, Brain & Consciousness’.

• Film Society : A Film Society has been established in the campus. Internationally acclaimed films are screened for the members of staff and students regularly. The Joshi-Bedekar College Film Society is the first college in Maharashtra to be affiliated to the Federation of Film Society of India.

• Foreign Languages Programme: Vidya Prasarak Mandal has languages programme in German, French, Japanese & Chinese. Students are invited to take advantage of this unique programme, that will provide them a competitive edge in a global society.

Chrysalis, 11

The Self-Financing Section of our college once again is organising Chryalis an inter-collegiate management festival with a legacy of seven years. The fest is solely organized by the students under the guidance of our principal Dr. (Mrs).S.A.Singh and the entire team of staff members from the self-financing course.

This year Chrysalis is going to rock, Coz itz Double one; Double the fun.

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Hi, there myself Shashank Sawant. I'am the Event Manager for our Management Festival "CHRYSALIS,11" from Joshi-Bedekar College, Thane.


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