Journey Towards Completion workshop in Mumbai


Hello everyone!
Sunita Singad will conduct her fabulous workshop about loving yourself and breaking old patterns in Mumbai on 3,4, and 10 September. Here are the details regarding the same.

“I have always been fascinated with the science of mind and spiritual dynamics; I often wondered how are the two connected.
This need to put the two together led me to insightful writings by authors such as Louise Hay, Harold Bloomfield, Gay Hendricks, Omraam Mikhael Aivanhov, Doreen Virtue, Diana Cooper,
Iyanla Vanzant (The list is too long..)

I also attended some profound insightful workshops and qualified myself in UK as a certified teacher (Qualified by Patricia Crane Psychologist PhD International workshop leader, author, trainer and Speaker in London) in the methods and philosophies of Healing Your Life and as such an expert in the manners of inner healing which Louise Hay pioneered.”– Sunita.

Have you been struggling to make things happen?

Do you attract a similar pattern of people or situations in your life?

This workshop will help Nurture your Self Esteem and Facilitate your personal Growth.

You will be guided to Learn and Implement the Art of CONSCIOUS MANIFESTING with Complete Awareness.

Designed to help you become your own best friend, Release negative belief patterns, change your thinking Learn to love and accept yourself and your inner child, understand your family dynamics Release negative emotions that block joy and creativity Affirmations in your daily life, bring about positive change. Improve your health, relationships, prosperity and much more…

Though transforming oneself is an ongoing process, the rewards are endless, you actually witness your life changing from better to best all because I chose to make a difference to my life

“When patterns are broken, new worlds emerge.”
Tuli Kupferburg

Please contact Sunita on 9833928100 for registration. This workshop has limited seats. The energy exchange for the same is INR 7,999 for a 3-day workshop inclusive of lunch and evening tea on all three days.


Saturday, September 3 at 10:00am – September 10 at 5:30pm



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