Just Cause Am a Girl?


“Doctor, I want to know the gender of my child. I want to know if we will have a prince or a princess.” he said. It feels so good when you hear the word princess used for a girl, don’t you think? It’s even more heart touching when a father is waiting to have a daughter and waiting to give her all the love in the world, because at the end daughters are closer to fathers, she is his life right? But who knew he wanted to know the gender, so that he could decide whether to kill the baby in the womb or not! He wanted to know if they will have to welcome a bad debt (girl) or an investment (boy)!! Oh am not being too harsh with words.. I have heard even more pathetic words used for a baby girl, believe me!

The moment he came to know they are going to have a “PRINCESS”; he decided to just welcome her in the world even before she could prepare herself and so he dragged her out of the safe room. She was too weak and so couldn’t survive in the environment. She was then fed to the dogs by the doctors. His princess DIED!

Do you think this is disgusting? Wait till I tell you what happens if she, by ‘mistake’ and ‘ignorance’ of the parents, is born in a world, where she is an unacceptable gift from God! If she, by any chance is born and the parents come to know they have a girl, they plan to give her swimming lessons in a bucketful of milk or oil.. How sweet! But oops they forgot she was just 3 days old, sorry for your loss Mr.!

Well.. Do you know what will happen to her if she survives the swimming test? She is rewarded with rape, molestation, eve teasing and so many more awards, which you can’t even count..ha! And you know the best thing about these awards? She gets them at every stage of her beautiful life.

Enough of the sarcasm, but I couldn’t help myself from reacting that way! This is all because men..no no not just men but even women have made an innocent girl’s life a living hell and a show for the whole world to watch and enjoy.

What was her mistake? That she was born a GIRL and you might have to spend a lot of money behind her? Or she is going to get married and will be of no use to you anymore? Oh yeah..maybe she cannot get your family business going and instead you might have to give dowry for her! Wake up humans, we still have time. Where is the humanity? You believe in God, but find it OK to murder an innocent soul and say that’s what HE wanted?

She deserves to live! She is the reason you are in this world! I can’t say anything more on this, because it’s useless. Share your thoughts on this matter; I would love to hear it from you!

-Saloni Tolia.

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Smita Singh


  1. i dnt think it cnt be stopped… we hav 1oo of reasons causing this like castism, widespread poverty, ignorance to girl child,illiteracy,dowry,sons are treated as social security, n by any chance if she survives,then she is disrespected, drawn in for trafficking,rape n so on…killing a girl child is a vry painfull issue nd 1st the mother should understand that how she would have existed with out the presence of her mother……….SO PLZZZZZ SAVE THE GIRL CHILD…

  2. Being the biggest democracy and after 65th odd years of independence its high time.we take a definite step towards ths like criminalising, identifying sex of child, abortion without genuine reasons etc..Each n every corner of d world should be given education abt ths.

  3. It has really touched my heart & only if we change our mentality & have the willingness to change the tradition (such as instead bride going groom house let grooms come brides plaxe forever). But atleast I for myself would like to have a girl child only – my PRINCESS

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