Just The Song!


Just a song

Music can change your mood in seconds! A song can bring back 1000 memories with it. Music is so powerful that it can make a happy person, cry and a sad person, smile. Music defines a person and his nature. A song will give you different experiences every time you listen to it!

Music connects you with people who have the same taste in music as yours. They become your friends once you start sharing experiences with them and eventually friends for life as they almost feel the same about things like you do and understand you better than others. Music has a different way of connecting people and bringing them close to each other with its tunes.

Music is a sense of style that you add in your day to day life. A tee with a print of your favorite lyric or your favorite band tells the world a little something about you without even talking. Music changes the way you present yourself to the world. It changes every bit of you once you find a song that describes you better than anyone.

Music has the ability to convey feelings through its tunes and lyrics to a person you love by just dedicating a song. Now a days even a shy guy expresses his love by dedicating a song which describes his feelings so perfectly.

Music has played a very important role in my life. No matter what the situation is, I feel sorted after listening to my playlist because it has a soothing effect on me even in my worse situations. I am sure everyone has their favorite song, mine is Alone by Lauren Evans, which is yours?

Saloni Tolia

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