Jyoti Singh, Sydenham College


Name –      Jyoti Singh
College –    Sydenham College Of Commerce & Economics

Tell us about yourself

I am a student of Sydenham College and pursuing BMS from this esteemed institution.

I believe in “SIMPLE LIVING, GREAT THINKING “philosophy.

I am hard working, determined & ambitious. I aspire to build my career in the field of finance.

My hobbies are drawing, reading, & scrapbooking.

I think life is not easy & success is desired by all, so does makes me to achieve it by honest & sincere efforts.

Tell us about your college

I go to Sydenham College of commerce & economics; it is a very old & the first institution of commerce in Asia. The most special part of the college is the friendly & amiable atmosphere in the campus among the students & faculty. I like the location of the college near Marine Drive which is the best place to hang-out with friends.

When did you join BMS? Which year you are in?

I joined BMS in the year 2009 & currently I am in SY BMS.

What inspired you to choose BMS and not any other course?
I wanted to be the best among the rest & I think BMS gives you that teaching & experience about the management field.  Courses like B.com & along with it doing CA, CS or ICWA becomes very hectic. BMS is full package of corporate exposure, knowledge & learning.
According to you, what is BMS all about?

BMS is all about Presentation, visits, seminars & projects. It’s a good learning experience.

What was the happiest moment in BMS? The saddest? The most memorable

There is no happiest moment as such but definitely happy moments when working on project along with friends & having those fun times along with working. There haven’t been any sad experiences till now. The most memorable been the success of BMS fest CAREER FAIR’11 when I was a part of the core-committee & the whole team team called it off on a good note with cool celebration at the last days of the fest.
As a BMS student, what changes would you like to bring in management education?

More practicality & training to students , rather than mere theory
3 Questions you would like to ask an MBA?

1.     Why MBA?

2.     What difference it makes to an individual being an MBA ?

3.     In practical, in the field of management does it really matters to have a MBA degree ?

Your feedback for BMS.co.in?

BMS.co.in is an amazing site which provides a platform for BMS students better understand the BMS course. It also brings the BMS community closer.

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