K.C. College – The Beginning of a Journey called life!


My first day of B.M.S. in K.C. College? No, this sounds too mainstream. I would like to call it, “The beginning of a journey called LIFE.”

Yes, it was the start of my life as I see it now. Junior College also involved travelling to Churchgate, and wearing anything you wanted, but when I entered Degree College, I realized that this is it. Either I make it or break it, in the course of these three years. 20th June, 2012, ironically, was just a day after my 18th birthday. Feeling all grown up and mature, I reached my soon-to-be second home and went up to my class. We had to wait outside for a couple of minutes, and then we finally went in.

Luckily for me, I already knew a girl (who is now my best friend!) as she and I had got admission and then cancelled the same in another college. So I sat with her and her friend and began chit-chatting about everything under the sun! We interacted with many other classmates, and realized that there were many NRI students amongst us. Communicating with them, I came to know a lot about a totally different world altogether. Kuwait, Dubai, Muscat, you name it, we had it! Our mentor and teacher for three years entered the room and made us introduce ourselves. She seemed to be very well-spoken and worldly-wise and made us feel completely at home.

I volunteered for making a Facebook group of my class, and thus acquired the names and phone numbers of all my class fellows within an hour of knowing them. Being the outgoing and enthusiastic person that I am, it was fairly simple for me to gel with the mixed group of people around me. Just before the day came to an end, we indulged wholeheartedly in a photo session! In that split second, I realized that slowly but gradually, these very same people will form a very big part of our life during the next three years at K.C.

And yes, they did! I am now in Second Year B.M.S. and trust me, I have learned a lot about people, more than I have ever done in my life before joining K.C. I have unearthed various secrets about human behaviour, and how to deal with an assorted group of people. And it has not been easy. But it has been worth it, and sooner or later, I will be a changed, and hopefully, better person, courtesy my friends!

All in all, my first day was a very happening day in my life. I am sure that there are many more such days to come!



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Shruti Saran

I am Shruti Saran, a complete extrovert who loves to combine work and fun. I wish to understand human psychology more, in order to decipher the people I meet. I also love adventure. I am currently pursuing BMS at KC College.


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