Kelvin Benjamin Kelvin Benjamin got selected in NFL Draft

One of the quickest picks of the first round last night came when the Panthers ran to the podium to take Florida State wide receiver Kelvin Benjamin 28th overall.

Like that pick, Panthers General Manager Dave Gettleman said the opportunity was simply so big that it cannot be ignored .

“You can’t teach a  6-5, 240 with a 34-inch arm length and 10-inch hands,” Gettleman , and “This guy has unusual ball skills. He’s got what we call a very big strike zone.” was said by Dave Gettleman.

Benjamin has plenty of big-game experience, with the last-minute, game-winning touchdown in the BCS title game, a play on which was obviously drawn up for him.

About Kelvin Benjamin (according to wikipedia):

Kelvin Benjamin (born February 5, 1991) is an American football wide receiver for the Carolina Panthers of the National Football League (NFL). He played college football at Florida State. He was drafted by the Panthers with the 28th overall pick of the 2014 NFL Draft. After being redshirted in 2011, Benjamin played in all 14 games in 2012, recording 30 receptions for 495 yards and four touchdowns. As a sophomore in 2013 he had 54 receptions for 1,011 yards and 15 touchdowns,including the game-winning touchdown against Auburn in the BCS title game with 13 seconds remaining.After the season he entered the 2014 NFL Draft.

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Aishwarya Mehta
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