The key concepts of scientific management are:-
- Scientific task planning:- Scientific task is the amount of work which an average worker can perform during a day under normal working conditions. The ultimate goal of management is to see that work is done in a logical sequence promoting maximum efficiency.
- Time and motion studies:- This have been advocated by Taylor with a view to isolate the wasteful and unproductive motions on job. The time study would indicate the minimum time required to do a given job and the motion study is carried out to find out the best sequence of motions to do a job.
- Standardization:- Under scientific management, certain standards have to be set in advance regarding task, raw material, quality, work method etc. This helps in simplifying the process of production, reducing wasteful use of resources, improving quality of work, etc.
- Differential piece rate system:- Taylor advocated differential piece rate system based on actual performance of the worker. In this scheme, a worker who completes the normal work gets wages at higher rate than a worker who fails to complete the same with the given time limit. In the long run, this will have a nice effect on health of worker and it helps in dividing the class of working class.
- Functional foremanship:- Taylor advocated functional foremanship where a factory is divided in different components, each incharge of a specialty. These perform the planning function and provide the expert advice to the workers. The workers are expected to implement the commands of functional specialists.