Key to Your Abundance – Activation of your Abundance Gene Workshop in Mumbai


Every one who lives on this planet wants Happiness , Success , Money and Prosperity ! But the fact is that only a few people can really achieve all that they want and the for rest of them it remains only a want !!!

Why only a section of people are able to achieve success health wealth and prosperity?

Why are the others not able to achieve all that they desire?

Those who achieve are labelled as lucky , destined to be successful and others would blame their destiny or feel unlucky for their failures !! But the Truth is that we create our own destiny and reality. We only need to know HOW to discover the great secret of success and find the path to total fulfilment .

“ Key to your Abundance- Activation of your abundance gene “ is THAT workshop which will help you change your reality TODAY. This 2 days workshop will help you free yourself from the issues, attitudes, and beliefs you carry about MONEY, SUCCESS, LOVE and RELATIONSHIPS that have so far been shaping and directing your life .


We are all vibrational beings living in a vibrational world where Like attracts Like. So Success and prosperity also works on the “Law of attraction’’. This time we go beyond the Law of attraction.

Our thoughts and beliefs are like magnets – 90% of all our thoughts and actions come from our subconscious mind. By bringing the subconscious beliefs to conscious awareness, and transforming the negative beliefs into positive beliefs, we begin the process of attracting positive circumstances and situations.

We all have an ABUNDANCE AND WELLNESS GENE stored in our DNA gene. Activating this gene would allow the abundance to flow in your life.

This course will help you :-
Identify the self sabotaging beliefs that you have been carrying within your subconscious mind
Change your relationship with money , success and prosperity
You will manifest anything that you desire once you apply the easy steps in any aspect of your life.
Will bring about both Material and spiritual growth as they are the two sides of the same coin.

“Where you are right now in your life may be very painful . After Awakening you will leave the struggle and pain behind and transform. This is not a metaphysical feel good program. This is very much “take it to your bank” program . Practical ways of achieving what you want. So where you are right now is not where you are going to be at the end of the program.

If you follow the steps of the program you will create an abundance far beyond what you can currently imagine ”


All those who are stuck in the wrong situations and circumstances (work/relationship/financi​al ) whether it is a loveless/broken marriage or relationship, a job they hate or don’t have, a business going into losses or a money crisis !
All those who are looking for Materialistic growth in life
All those who are looking for spiritual growth
Those who feel life has come to stagnation point
Those who want to work on any physical ailments ( so called even incurable diseases)
Those who have read self help books and tried everything from the secret to therapies and yet not able to achieve what they want in life
Those who have fears in life ( about not having money , not finding a life partner and being alone, suffering from illnesses etc)
Those who are open to bring about a positive change in their lives
Last but not the least……………… you want to do this workshop but CANNOT AFFORD to do it then you MUST do it as it will make you stop from worrying about money in your life !



Know your belief systems and their levels
Looking into how beliefs are formed through different sources
Identify how you play the victim concerning money issues and give away your power.
Replace limiting beliefs with constructive thoughts and practices that will draw abundance to you.

Most people are unaware that we have an abundance gene lying dormant in the DNA . This workshop will you identify and remove the hidden obstacles in your DNA that are holding you back from success in your abundance and health!

Everything that we have around us is our own creation . We all have an attractor factor within us which determines what and how we manifest things in our life !! Find you attractor factor and change it to your desired level.


Understanding Karma and its impact on our lives
Releasing sabotaging beliefs carried from past lives which makes us struggle through our life and keep us trapped in poverty consciousness.
The power of forgiveness


Scientific proven study to show the impact of the power of our own thoughts.
Releasing the negative blockages from the body through healing technique


Understand YOUR Relationship with Money.
Experience a phenomenal process to install empowering new beliefs through Group Theta healings.


Learn about the violet fire which is by far one of the MOST POWERFUL techniques of today to transmute all the negativity
Learn how to cleanse and protect your AURA


Learn the keys to abundance at all levels.
Understanding the Cosmic Kitchen.


Create your own Vision Board and learn how to manifest your dreams through the power of affirmations


All of these topics will be dealt with in detail through intensive lectures combined with highly interactive sessions. Guided practical group exercises and meditations will re-enforce all the con cepts.


A Manual along with a CD is handed to the participants which will help them transform their age old patterns within days.

It the a matter of dedicating ONLY 15 minutes of your life everyday to create new patterns and witness Miracles in your lives !

After attending the workshop you will be able to use the techniques in your life for any situation…. wherever you are…whoever you are with… whatever’s happening to you !!

The best news is that you cant make a mistake as it will help you how to flow with the universe instead of against it. You will create Miracles in your life.

Venue: The Club, Andheri (W), Mumbai

Date: July 23-24 (Sat-Sun) 2011

Time: Morning 9am-630pm (both days)

Contact: Mala Raja @ +91 9821030447


Fees: Rs 8880.00 only ( 888 is the number of infinite abundance)

Being a high energy workshop , we have limited registrations so kindly call in and confirm your booking asap .

Payments can be made by cash or cheque.

About Dr Ashish Narayankar

“Though being an MBBS doctor, I worked with an open mind on integrating the western and eastern healing modalities together for the benefit of my clients . I work on concept of Mind Body Spirit as to have anything in our life that we desire we have to have a harmony between these three aspects in our life. I am a clinic hypnotherapist, Past life regressionist , Theta healing teacher , Angel therapist and do channelized healings like Rising star and other metaphysical healings.
With my vast experience of interaction and counselling clients for over a decade, I know now how easily changes can be brought about in a person as soon as we become aware and are willing and receptive to bring about the changes !
My goal in life is to spread awareness and help people achieve everything that they want in life with ease. This Passion and drive has given birth to these workshops that I conduct . I know to the fact that whoever comes to the workshop with an open mind and to bring about change in their life will go back as a changed person and will witness miracles in their lives.

Are you ready to witness Miracles in your life ?????


“It was a magical journey. An introduction of myself to me, me closer to my self. i loved the joyful inner journey through intensive meditation sessions, which were conducted in the workshop. A very enlightening session to learn how to tame our subconscious mind to achieve success and abundance in love, finance, relationships and to have abundance of happiness in our lives. The knowledge which I acquired was a beautiful blend of scientific reasoning with spiritual awakening. Whatever I mentioned above was something which I experienced through my physical senses, but there was something else also which was at work there, we may call it divine intervention, presence of god or whatever, but it was something which cannot be expressed in words!!!!…… I learnt that the biggest hindrance in getting abundance in our lives is we ourselves, our belief systems. I learnt how to break down those old patterns, and achieve the success and happiness in our lives. How to see more and more dreams and how to achieve each one of them. also learnt that each one of us deserves to have everything in our lives and with right guidance, faith and practice, we can do and have everything in this universe..…’’ Ms Mamta Verma . Nutritionist, Area Business head.

“After the workshop I have seen that my relationship with my Mom has become much better . I have been wanting to buy a car from a long time but it was not working out. The loan has got approved and I am finally buying the car. I have got the job that i wanted and as I am writing this I have the laptop given to me by my company. Things have started working on the financial aspect too. New Opportunities are in front of me. I am very happy that I attended this workshop’’ Hiren Panjuwani, business man.

“My experience during the workshop and even after that has been amazing. I could never believe meditating could be so easy for me, I am doing it every day. There have been a lot of positive things happening in my life. Right from the smallest like travelling to office with ease to even getting a new job offer 🙂 The best thing that’s happening is that I have started realizing my blockages and have started releasing them, which I never realized earlier. As a kid I have always been a day dreaming kind, but stopped doing that as I grew up and got busier with the daily chores. But now I’ve again started manifesting things and a couple of my manifestations have turned into reality. Well now my funda these days is that if i can manifest such a screwed up life, I can also manifest a life that is smooth and easy without any hassles :)” Ms Aparajita R Kujur, Service

“I was working in a high pressured job for years , reached a stagnation point and decided to leave as i was no longer enjoying it. After practising what was told to me I was able to manifest a job with the exact amount of money which i wanted, a profile which I enjoy doing and in a new location where I wanted to settle. Though it took a couple of month to manifest I never lost the faith and continued the practise and today I am reaping its benefit. I am very happy with the easy techniques and it has really changed my life.”Ms Sapna Kurup Operations Head.

“Dr Ashish is Fabulous!! A Positive human being and a very wise soul. God Bless him . I felt 2 days were not enough. Wish it was for more days’’ – Meeta Trivedi Home maker, seeker.

‘’ I liked the Gene Activation the best. I will practise affirmations and Gratitude every day of my life ‘ Pratik Thakore, Business- real estate, franchising.

“The whole experience was a real eye opener!! Even someone like me who was a little sceptical initially and never really believed in miracles, believes in the power of manifestation in totality today especially after i started seeing and experiencing changes during the workshop itself!! During the first day itself i got a call telling me my long held up money had got released , and then out of the blue my badly awaited holiday materialised within a week of the workshop !! These are nothing but miracles!! Now strangely the words called fear and doubt have got erased totally from my life . I have also started my new business and am confident it would take off with flying colours” – Annu Wadhwa Entrepreneur

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