Kiran 2011 – Ignite, Inspire, Innovate!!


Striking success 11 times in a row, the BMS section of Nagindas Khandwala College for the 12th time

is organizing its ever-growing and ever-inspiring one day intercollegiate Seminar KIRAN 2011-Ignite,

Inspire, Innovate.


Raising the bar each year, the Khandwalites assure KIRAN 2011 to be more phenomenal with the

Panel Discussion, wherein there will be 4 versatile personalities with different instincts. Such as:


1)Sanmita Kamat ( Ex-CEO, Wallmart and currently vice president, TATA Memorial)


2)Arvind Agarwal ( CFO, Ajanta Pharma Ltd.)


3)Darry I. Cabral ( Director HRM, Total Solutions)


4)Sanjay Bhutiani ( Red Carpet Ltd.)


All these dynamic personalities are from different fields and will address on the topic “Transforming

groups into TRUE Teams”. Sir Henry Ford rightly said ‘Coming together is a beginning, keeping

together is progress, working together is SUCCESS’. Challenges are everywhere but victory is

achieved only by a TRUE team because none of us is as smart as all of us.


KIRAN 2011 is scheduled on the 6th of August, 2011 at Prabodhan Thakre Hall, Borivali (West) from

10:30 a.m-2 p.m.

Contact : 9773261187 – Rohit
9820180741 – Urvesh
9820328448 – Ankita

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