Kiran 2012 – Unlocking the hidden potential of GEN Y


Ralph Waldo Emerson rightly quoted, ‘We are all inventors, each sailing out on a voyage of discovery, guided each by a private chart of which there is no duplicate. The world is all gates all opportunities’

KIRAN TM is one such destination that enables students to recognize these opportunities. KIRAN TM’ is a one day intercollegiate seminar of NKBMS that enables to inculcate management values among t the students.

Raising the bar higher since the past 12 years KIRAN TM’2012 will witness the presence of 2 dynamic personalities, Raghu and Rajiv of Roadies. Both of these speakers are the youth icon and also considered as the hub of inspiration for youngsters today. They are solely responsible for the rebirth of MTV by introducing roadies.

Although today’s youth does not consist of 100% population however they do form 100% future so it’s very essential that the youth is guided in a proper manner. KIRAN TM’ this year focuses on Youth and their potential. The topic for KIRAN TM’ 2012 is ‘Unlocking the hidden potential of GEN Y’

‘KIRAN TM’’ is scheduled on 11th August 2012 at Prabhodhan Thackeray Hall from 10 am-2 pm. For the first time in history where in you can ask questions Raghu and Rajiv and they will be answering it. It will be a hardcore question answer round of 3 hrs. Students attending the seminar will be given a participation certificate. The entry fee is just Rs 200.


To ignite the Youth, by inspiring the crowd

For innovating the approaches, to unlock the hidden talent.

See you all at KIRAN TM 2012

Ignite. Inspire. Innovate.


For details contact

Urvesh 9820180741

Mehul 9768510716


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