KMAT for MBA and MCA courses to held on 21st July 2013


The Karnataka Private Post Graduate Colleges’ Association (KPPGCA) has announced that the Karnataka Management Aptitude Test (KMAT) will be held on July 21 and the application forms will be available online from May 15. The last date for applying for the test will be July 10.

The admission process will be completed between August 10 to August 15 and a circular in this regard will be sent to all member-colleges. The application fee will be Rs 500 for MBA or MCA and Rs 600 for both courses. Details will be provided on the website and helpline numbers 93439 96665, 93439 96666. There are 169 colleges under the KMAT and the entrance has been conducted for the past eight years.

All these years, under the KMAT, 50 per cent of the seats were allotted under the government quota and the rest were under the respective management. This year the government did not conduct PGCET for MBA and MCA seats due to its approval of the CMAT.
With about 24,500 MBA and 8,000 MCA seats in the State, it would be impossible to fill all of them only through the CMAT.


In order to fill the vacant seats, candidates with scores from other entrance exams such as the Management Aptitude Test (MAT), Xaviers Aptitude Test (XAT) and even CMAT will be considered once seats are allotted to candidates with KMAT scores.


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