KNOCKOUT ROASTED Knocks Its Own Participants For Roasting The Indian Culture


The much controversial and talked about ‘Knockout Roasted’ of AIB has been criticized on a large scale. One of its criticism was in the form of an FIR lodged at Pune.

The AIB show poster.
The AIB show poster.

1. This FIR complainant is inspector Vazir Hussain Shaik and Pune CID.

2. He found this show to be against the Indian culture.

3. The FIR is lodged against Karan Johar, Ranveer Singh, Arjun Kapoor, Deepika Padukone, Abish Matthew, Tanmay Bhatt, Aditi Mittal, Simran Khamba, Ashish Shakya, Raghu Ram, Rohan Joshi and Rajeev Masand.

AIB Participants
AIB Participants

Deepika in the audience.
Deepika in the audience.

4. The FIR is written under the IPC Section 292 (ie-distribution of obscence content), 294(obscence act in public place) and Section 67(a) (publishing or transmission of material containing sexually explicit act in electronic form).


5. This event had a large audience of 4000 people.

AIB Knockout Roast. Arjun, Ranveer and Karan Johar .
AIB Knockout Roast. Arjun, Ranveer and Karan Johar .
Ranveer and Arjun
Ranveer and Arjun

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Shreya Karania
A first year management student from Mumbai.


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