Know Your Ministers – Raosaheb Dadarao Danve



Name-Danve, Shri Raosaheb Patil

Date of Birth- 17th May, 1977

Place of Birth- Javkheda (K.D), Distt. Jalna (Maharashtra)

Mother’s Name- Smt. Kesharabai Danve

Father’s Name- Shri Dada Rao Patil Danve

Educational Qualifications- Under Graduate

Profession- Agriculturist


Positions Held-

2000-2004         Member, Consultative Committee, Ministry of Rural Development

2004                   Re-elected to 14th Lok Sabha (2nd term)

Member, Committee on Finance

Member, Consultative Committee, Ministry of Communications and Information Technology

5 Aug. 2007      Member, Committee of Agriculture

2009                 Re-elected to 15th Lok Sabha (3rd term)

31 Aug. 2009    Member, Committee of Petroleum and Natural Gas


His ASSETS: more than 2 CRORES

His LIABLITIES:  more than 5 LAKHS



His Activities

Raosaheb Dadarao Danve has

3 major criminal records where he is accused,

1 charge for voluntarily causing grievous hurt,

1 charge for voluntarily causing hurt,

1 charge for intentionally insulting with the motto of breaching peace and

1 charge for violent acts, done by a group of people in furtherance to common intention.


Wow.. he has real nice interests! Hoping, that after becoming one of the ministers of the state Raosaheb Dadarao Danve doesn’t add more cases to his list in criminal record. People change and expecting some supportive changes here too.


– By Saloni Tolia

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