Kotha Janta Review : Old Family Entertainer!



Cast: Allu Sirish, Regina, Posani Krishna Murali, Saptagiri, Rao Ramesh, Rohini, Madhurima and Others

Kotha Janta got released on 1st May 2014. The story is about Sirish and Suvarna, 2 selfish people who love each other to achieve their goals. Allu Sirish fails to impress the audience and need to work on expressions during dialogue delivery. The heroine of the film is one of the few girls in the industry who have proved their talent in the debut film. She sails through the film with ease. Comedian Saptagiri proves his skills and leaves the audience in splits. The songs are good and picturisation is also fine.  The movie’s opening scenes are good but the film’s concept is an age-old formula. You will be disappointed if you are looking for anything new in the movie.

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