Krish Parekh, KC College


Name – Krish Parekh

College– KC college, Churchgate

Tell us about yourself
I am a very jovial and funny person.I love making new friends.I love living every moment of life and enjoying it to the core.

Tell us about your college
KC college is the most sought after institutes in South Mumbai. It has a very good teaching faculty. It lays concentration on both academics as well as extra-curricular activities. The kool cafeteria of KC offers the best “Chinese Bhel”. The college has been accredited “A” grade by NAAC.

When did you join BMS? Which year you are in?
I joined the course in 2010 and I am in FYBMS.

What inspired you to choose BMS and not any other course?
BMS lays the basic foundation to become an MBA and at the same time you can do various other courses like Hotel management, Event management.

According to you, what is BMS all about?
BMS is all about projects, fun, inter-college fests…IV’S. It gives you an in depth studies about all management related subjects. It gives you a good platform to prepare yourself to become an MBA.

What’s special about your college? What do you love about it?
BMS is one of the best course of this college apart from that it’s very famous for its science stream as it is in collaboration with IIT pace.
I love the friendly atmosphere of the college and the “KBOSCH” a great place to hang out.The college participates in lots of extra curricular activities through which we can explore ourselves!!

Who is your favorite teacher/faculty? Why?
Its too difficult to answer this. KC offers the best faculty and it’s very difficult to choose who is the best out of it. In my opinion each and every teacher is the best in its own way.

What has BMS life taught you?
Well I am in FYBMS. So its too early for me to answer this.

What was the happiest moment in BMS? The saddest? The most memorable?
I am still a fresher but I am sure am gonna love going through these above mentioned moments in these coming years of the course.

Who in your life has influenced the most?
My parents,They influenced my life by teaching me their values. My friends whom I adore have been very helpful to me.

What would you advice someone planning to do BMS?
BMS offers one a lot of scope for further career opportunities . Its tough but at the same time fun.

3 Questions you would like to ask an MBA?
1-What interests you about this position?
2-What made you take up MBA?
3-How did you prepare yourself when you got into it?

What are your future plans?
I am planning to do MBA at the same time not to forget that BMS gives you various other career opportunities…considering that,i am gonna do event management.

What are you expecting out of BMS?
It will help me bring the best out of me

How do you find What help should it provide in future? is a very helpful website.It connects the students with the regular changes in BMS syllabus. It provides you with question banks and reference books which is quite helpful to the student.

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