KT System in BMS Exams!


If you are in BMS Sem I and Sem III, you are allowed to get 6 or 7 KTs (depending on the subjects in the semester) for going to the next BMS Sem II and Sem IV respectively.

But when you go from First Year (Sem II) to Second year, you are allowed to have only 2 KTs.

Same case if you go from Second Year (Sem IV) to Third Year, you are allowed only 2 KTs.

If you are in TYBMS Sem 5, you are allowed 6 KTs to go for Sem 6. But if you don’t clear all the KTs of Sem 5 and previous years, you would fail in your Final Year Exams!

This is applicable as per the new rule of Mumbai University.

P.S. If the information is not accurate, please comment and rectify the mistake.

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      1. Hello..

        My question is how many kt’s are allowed for a student to not repeat the third year .??

        I am not even sure if they ask you to repeat the third year..

        I have 1 kt of 4th sem , 1 kt of 5th sem for which I will be giving my exams soon .. but I am not sure I will pass in that ..

        my 6th sem exams are coming soon..

        In total I have 2 atkts combining my 4th and 5th semester

        I dont want to repeat the third year and want to know if i have these 2 atkts and if i get more in 6 th sem .. den will i be asked to repeat..

        Reason for so many kt’s is my job..

        Waiting for your reply..

  1. My sem 4 results wer out last month ..u hav 2 kts in sem 3 yet pending and now I got two kts in sem 4 ..in total how many kts can I carry into 5 th sem ..u said two are allowed
    Does it mean two from each sem are allowed ?

  2. hey i am already into an MBA college….. n after admissions i found out that i got an unexpected kt in international finance in sem 6…..so am i still allowed to continue my mba or will they remove my admissions?? can u plz guide me in dis case

  3. Well, it depends on the college. Mostly colleges say that you need to clear the ATKT exams and then only u can start with your MBA career. Contact your college and enquire. They won’t cancell the admission but maybe they would postpone your joining dates.

  4. wat to do if we failed in 2 sem or have more than 2 kts in bms second sem plz can we appear for 2 year doirectly or we have to wait for whole year endind plz reply to me plz plz plz…. its about my future

  5. Hi, i am a fybms student i hav got 6 kt in the 1st sem cause of my health problems and now i am havi g my 2nd sem exams and i am nt prepared i can study and pass the kt and in mostly in 4 subjects of second sem so i am thinking of repeating the 1st year so that i can have a good result from the start is it ok? Plzz ans

  6. hi I have 3 kt of 1 sem… n I m afraid tht I m going to hv some kt in 2 sem also… smhw I manage to hv onli 2 kts in end… can I change d colg.? or cn I give it frm another colg? bcoz traveling is effecting on my studies n d colg environment… plz help

  7. Hello..

    My question is how many kt’s are allowed for a student to not repeat the third year .??

    I am not even sure if they ask you to repeat the third year..

    I have 1 kt of 4th sem , 1 kt of 5th sem for which I will be giving my exams soon .. but I am not sure I will pass in that ..

    my 6th sem exams are coming soon..

    In total I have 2 atkts combining my 4th and 5th semester

    I dont want to repeat the third year and want to know if i have these 2 atkts and if i get more in 6 th sem .. den will i be asked to repeat..

    Reason for so many kt’s is my job..

    Waiting for your reply..

  8. I gave my 2nd sem and 4th sem exam of atkt, what if i pass in 2nd sem so can i take admission for 4th sem from other college.
    or you help me out on this im totally confused now

  9. Hey…
    I have 3kts in first semi therefore i want to ask u that when the KT examz conduct becoz I’m worried that I will lost my 1yr
    Plzz plz reply me…
    Its my future…

  10. Hey… I got one kt in sem 2 and one in sem 3. So now I am dropped out of college. Iam not eligible for Tybms. So, can i appear for correspondence for tybms?

    1. As per our knowledge, there is no correspondence or direct entry to get into TYBMS. You will have to clear all the semesters of first year and second year successfully without any KTs to get into TY.

  11. I am in fybms any o got 2 kt in extrnal in 1 sem and 1 kt in internals and now if i get 3 kts in sem 2 will i b allowed to go to second year plz reply m vry much scared

  12. hiiii i got kt n 2nd & 4th semi kt,……. n accounts…..
    can i eligible to take admission n tybms or without wasting my 1 year i give private direct tybms n classes any ……..i m to upset bzz of the 2 kt i didnt get the or i dont get to complete my tybms ……..fr that the reason i m to upset plzzz as fast as possible rply me….. i m to upset

  13. Hi
    i passed all the first 5 sems without a kt.. but in 6th sem I flunked in a subject.
    now when will I be able to give reexam and by when will the reexam b conducted?

    thank you in advance

  14. I hadMy semester 1 all clear and 4 Kt in semester 2.. so i had a drop now i cleared 3 of them.. am i now eligible to second year or is that a double drop?

  15. I am doing BMS from a college in south mumbai. I am in FYBMS. I want to do SYBMS privately but want to know what are the rules for privately giving BMS. And when to register for SYBMS (private) and where is the process of registration held?

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