Lara Mascarenhas, Hinduja College


Name – Lara Mascarenhas

College – K.P.B.Hinduja College of Commerce, Mumbai.

Tell us about yourself
I am a person having lots of dreams and ambitions. These ambitions give me the determination to work hard and dedicate myself to any job that I take up. I believe that only hard work, sheer dedication, and perseverance pave the way for success. I am also the Vice-Chairperson of our college B.M.S. festival “NEXUS 2011”.

Tell us about your college

My college K.P.B.Hinduja College of Commerce is a very prestigious college. It is ranked as the best commerce college in Mumbai. It is like a family to me where I have so many friends, and teachers who constantly advise and guide me, not forgetting the ever helpful and cooperative non-teaching staff.

When did you join BMS? Which year you are in?

I joined B.M.S. in the year 2009. I am currently an S.Y.B.M.S. student.

What inspired you to choose BMS and not any other course?

Management skills run in my blood.  I am a very well managed and systematic girl. Also, I possess leadership qualities that made me take up B.M.S.  I have always wanted to be a part of the corporate world. I aspire to make it big in this field.

According to you, what is BMS all about?

B.M.S is a very complicated yet easy concept. It’s all about discovering the real manager in oneself. B.M.S. is a course that completely polishes an individual’s talents and makes him a responsible and mature adult who can take decisions.

What’s special about your college? What do you love about it?

I love the positive spirit of my college. There is always a positive and cheerful aura all around the campus. This helps me put in more efforts thus bringing out the best in me.

Who is your favorite teacher/faculty? Why?

My favorite teacher is Prof. Shital Mody. She is the B.M.S. co-ordinator of our college. It is because of her constant support and guidance that we students perform so well in academics, as well as in extra-curricular activities. Also, Shital Madam has given us a practical approach towards Management studies.

What has BMS life taught you?

B.M.S. has influenced my lifestyle, thinking and behaviour in innumerable ways. It has given a boost to my self-confidence. Now I can get along well with different types of people. Also, on the social front I am more experienced, and I have improved my communication skills to a great extent.

What was the happiest moment in BMS? The saddest? The most memorable?

Well, I don’t have even one sad memory attached to my B.M.S. tenure. I have many happy moments, but the most memorable one will always be the Promotion Event of our B.M.S. festival “Nexus 2011”. Our B.M.S. team is hosting “Nexus 2011” for the first time in our college. We are putting in a lot of efforts and energy in making “Nexus 2011” a great success.

Who in your life has influenced the most?

My parents have influenced my life the most. They are my pillars without which I would not be the individual that I am today. They have constantly supported and encouraged me in everything that I do.

As a BMS student, what changes would you like to bring in management education?

I wish a subject is introduced which involves gaining practical knowledge of management. For instance, visits to corporate offices and interacting with management teams and industry leaders.

What would you advice someone planning to do BMS?

I would advice that one should take up B.M.S. not just as a subject but much more beyond that. This stream requires a lot of dedication, but yes the dedication pays off well in the end. One can discover the true manger and leader in oneself.

3 Questions you would like to ask an MBA?

I would like to ask the below three question to an MBA,

1.  In which way is the course B.M.S. different from MBA?

2.  How has an MBA degree contributed in shaping your personality?

3.  Does MBA contribute to have a practical approach in the business world?

What are your future plans?

I want to pursue an MBA. I want to excel in the field of management and contribute towards making our country a superpower.

What are you expecting out of BMS?

I am expecting a lot from B.M.S. By the time I complete my course, I want to be an individual who can stand out of the crowd because this is one such quality that is very essential in today’s world.  I want to develop the rare talent of thinking out of the box and finding practical solutions to all kinds of  business related problems.

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