Last year of B.M.S, what after that ?


Last year of B.M.S, what after that ?

If you are a last year B.M.S student, then this question will surely be haunting you – “What should I do after BMS?”. Only few have clear goals of what they want to do after B.M.S, with most still being confused of choosing a desired career option when they step in the outer world. The question here isn’t really what after B.M.S but why B.M.S firstly ?

Take sometime and go back to that day when you opted for this course. What was the aim? What was the motto? Here, many say “parent’s choice”,”it’s a good course”, “We get exposed to every field”, “good placements” etc. But remember, now when you think and see, few colleges offer placements after B.M.S. With still 5 months in hand till the date 6th semester results will be declared, let’s see few of the options you can choose or think upon as probable choices to enhance your career.

1. You can pursue MBA/MMS/PGDM in the area of specialization like marketing, finance , HR etc by giving entrance exams (CMAT, CET etc) as this is he right time to appear for it. You have a feasible option of completing your education with higher studies and then focusing on job related aspects.
2. You can start searching for a job which can give you in hand experience and a practical exposure to the corporate world. Remember, it is very difficult to fetch a job of your choice, but it isn’t IMPOSSIBLE. This will groom you in an altogether different manner.
3. You can work as an intern and gain exposure to different fields as internship can last till minimum 3months. You need to do a search task, but this will be worth. Alongside you can plan for your higher studies and prepare for CMAT/CET/CAT and then after a year’s break can take up higher education.
4. With being exposed to different subject matters in B.M.S, you can become an entrepreneur. It doesn’t take much efforts, you need have that creativity. If you’re a social geek, you can do something like marketing of different firms etc & by displaying these skills you can climb the ladder without pursuing higher studies.

Remember these are few of the viable options as the opportunities are vast and you just need to grab it instantly.The world is full of possibilities and do not think of yourself as someone who can’t achieve a certain thing. Just to share what I had been through after B.M.S.

Let me share my example. I passed out B.M.S in 2012, with no clear goals at that point in time. After my 6th sem results were declared, I went out to pursue M.Com,though due to high cut offs ,since I wanted full time, I couldn’t get through. Then came the ultimate teaching of life, the want to earn and stand on my own feet. I started applying for finance related jobs as I thought I was competitive to fit there as per my B.M.S specialization which soon proved to be wrong. After 17 failed interviews, I landed up with HDFC Bank HR department and there my love for HR begin. YES, it took a bit time to realise along with hardships and failures, but when I Look back it’s worth it.

Thankyou for you time & patience. Best of Luck and may you all do well.
For any queries , you can write to me on my FB account : Visshal T Sawantt

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Visshal T Sawant
Masters in Human Resources with 3 years+ of experience in HR. Currently working with Capgemini as an HR Business Partner. Contributing to other's success is a small medium to educate people about our knowledge. Let's be a part of other's successful journey & make them Happy. Inspire & Grow !!!


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