Latest Best Good Morning SMS Messages – Good Morning Wishes and Greetings


Good Morning SMS


Good Morning SMS

1.Feel the pleasure of life
in every second.
Never be angry or sad,
B’coz every 1 min of ur sadness
u loss 60 seconds of happiness…
keep smiling ..
Good mrng…………..

2.People often change 4 two reasons- it can b either that u have learned enough that u want 2 change OR u have been hurt enough that u need 2 change!! GOOD MORNING.

3.Very little is needed2have a happy Life.
it is all within yourself.
in ur ways of thinking.
No matter what u do,
do it with L0VE in ur HEART…
Gud morning ..

4.Its True-
All d water in d ocean could never sink a ship unless it gets inside.
All d pressures of life can never hurt u unless u let them in! Good mrng. . . .

5.Dear Friend’s!
Your Remaining
Sleeping Time
Has been Expired
Leave Ur Bed
Open Ur Eyes
And c Ur Mobile
I wish U

6.Expression of the face could be seen by everyone.
But d depression of heart could be understood only By d Best one..Don’t lose them in life….G00D M0RNING

7.Comparison is the best way to judge our progress …but not with others,compare your yesterday with your today…
good morning:-) :-)

8.A strong n positive attitude creates more miracles than any other thing because Life is 10% how u make it & 90% how u take it. Gud Morning

9.Once in life do fall in love,
not necessarily with a person
but with an idea
a dream
an ambition!
More often it’ll b a reason to wake up with a smile..

10.I know still ur lazy hands r trying 2 pick the cell and ur cute half opened eyes r trying to read d msg my sweet
friend it’s time 2 wake up.. Good morning…


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