Latest Break Up SMS | Sad Love | Broken Heart | Messages | Quotes


Break up SMS 1 Break up SMS 2




Break up SMS

1.Some People Are So Lucky That
Even After Hurting,
They Get So Much Love
& Some Are So Unlucky That
Even After giving So Much Love,
They Always Get Hurt

2.Most hurting Line by a true Love:
If U will leave me,
I prOmise U will cOme back Once
with ur OPEN EYES to see my CLOSED EYES..!!

3.Line by a broken heart

Sorry my heart is
Closed for renovation..!!!
Be back
When the damage has
Been repaired..!

4. A Wrong  R e l a t i o n s h i p

Will Make You Feel
More Alone Than
When You Were
S i n g l e !

5. When things go wrong,
when sadness fills your heart &
when tears flow 4rm your eyes,
just let me know.
cause I want 2b there 4 U!
I am selling TISSUES, BUY 1 GET 1 FREE!

6.I loved her from my heart,
She touched my soul n shake my heart,
I found her mine, but that wasnt true,
I cried all night but she never dew,
Was it wrong to express my love?
Was it the same reason she left?

7.Let the world stop turning,
Let the sun stop burning,
Let them tell me love’s not worth going through.
If it all falls apart,
I will know deep in my heart,
The only dream that mattered had come true
…In this life I was loved by you.

8.I have a heart and that is true,
But now it has gone from me to you,
So care for it just like I do,
Cause I have no heart and you have two.

9.My past says u met me
My future says u will care 4 me
My present says u will understand me
But my heart says u will
Always Remember ME!

10. U r d beat of my heart
Lover of my soul
I’ll never leave U
& never wanna U let go

U r d beat of my heart
d 1 that make me sing
d 1 who makes me smile
& I never seem to cry

U r d beat of my heart
d 1 I really love
Don’t let me out of Ur sight
For I’m yours by heart.


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