Latest Development In Science And Technology Around The World


Latest Development In Science And Technology Around The World

science and technology

This article is about latest developments in science and technology in India and the world. India is a developing country and has the advantage of manpower and blessings of natural resources like proper amount of sunlight, water or the constant climate.
India accounts for about 10% of all expenditure on research and development in Asia and the number of publications grew by 45% over the past five years. Some of the latest developments in science and technology is as follows:


1) ISRO Successfully Launches Third Navigation Satellite IRNSS 1C

Indian Space Research Organisation, on October 16, 2014, successfully launched third navigation satellite, Indian Regional Navigation Satellite System 1C.

world's largest telescope

2) India among five nations to build world’s largest telescope

India along with Japan, the US, China and Canada will start work on the world’s biggest telescope on Hawaii Island that will enable to identify an object as small as coin from a distance of 500 kms. The 30 metre telescope will be established near the summit of the Mauna Kea volcano with a cost of $1.4 billion. The telescope will be larger than Japan’s Subaru Telescope, which is one of the world’s biggest, and started observation in 1999. A telescope with greater light condensing capabilities will be able to search for stars that are less bright or farther from Earth. The most distant and oldest star observed to date was born some 800 million years after the Big Bang.

World's first healthy baby

3) World’s first healthy baby born to womb transplant woman

A 36 year old Swede has become the world’s first woman to give birth after receiving a womb transplant. This event is described as a breakthrough for infertile women.
Rokitansky syndrome which means a woman is born without a womb, even after having ovaries intact. This syndrome affects approximately one in 4500 new born girls, research has found. The options open to women with this disorder, are adoption or having a baby through surrogate mother.

Earth observing instrument

4) NASA (National Aeronautics and Space Administration)

NASA on September 21, 2014 installed and activated its Earth observing instrument successfully on the International Space Station. It was launched abroad during space X CRS-4 mission. The first image from ISS Raid scat was released by NASA on 6th of October in 2014, which depicts preliminary measurements of global ocean near surface wind speeds and directions.

Majorana fermion

5) Scientists Discover Exotic Particle That Is Both Matter, Antimatter

It is a major success, scientists have observed an exotic particle that behave as matter and antimatter, a feat of math and engineering that could yield powerful computers based on quantum mechanics. The scientists have captured a glowing image of a particle known as a “Majorana fermion” perched at the end of an atomically thin wire. The hunt for the Majorana fermion began in the earliest days of quantum theory physicists first realised the existence of antimatter that was in 1937 approximately.


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