Latest News: Future of Michael Schumacher



On Thursday evening, many German papers reported that Michael Schumacher who injured himself in a skiing accident in the French Alps “could be in coma forever”.

Since being hospitalised, the racing champion  has undergone 2 brain surgeries and there were reports of small progress but the status of his brain injuries remain critical. Doctors told a German newspaper that Schumacher’s condition is very grave and there are no current plans to wake him up. Even if he survives, he will not be the same Schumacher. Biggest concern for doctors whose patients are in forced comas is that oxygen to the brain is reduced in a coma, and the longer the patient remains in a comatose state, the more likely long-term effects such as brain and organ damage are sustained. A neurological expert was quote saying “Depending on where bleeding has taken place can lead to unilateral paralysis, speech disorders or personality changes.”


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