Wait for MMS/MBA admissions have finally come to an end.
After delaying the whole admission process by almost a month,today 11 July 2014, DTE The Director, Technical Education which is the Competent Authority for MBA/MMS/PGDM Courses in Maharashtra has finally announced the CAP (Centralized Admission Process) dates.
- Display of sanctioned intake, Seat Distribution of Institutes
along with their Choice codes on website will be on 13-07-2014 at 5.00 p.m - Online Submission & Confirmation of Option Form of CAP
Round‐I through candidates Login by himself/herself through
the web site by Maharashtra State and All India candidates.
14-07-2014 to 16-07-2014 Up to 5:00pmFor more details regarding admissions and CAP rounds click the below link-