Latest ‘PK The Film’ 2014 Posters, HD Images, Photos, Wallpapers Free Download


PK the Film starring Aamir Khan and Anushka Sharma is all set to be released on 19th December 2014. Anushka Sharma recently posted a video on Twitter saying that  “Mujhe tukur tukur dekhna hai? Toh pehle isse dekho” along with the link to the special video.

The 4th poster of the film was launched on WhatsApp in which Anushka Sharma was seen posing with transistor with a khaki on her in which she also says “Conphujiya gaye. Main P.K. nahi hoon. Main hoon jagat janani.”

The below posters of Anushka Sharma and Aamir Khan has hilarious expressions at various places like in prison, during travelling with a transistor, on a scooter, cycle and also wearing fashionable outfits.

Here we present Latest ‘PK The Film’ 2014 Posters, HD Images, Photos, Wallpapers Free Download 

PK 01 PK 02 PK 03 PK 04 PK 05 PK 06 PK 07 PK 08 PK 09 PK 10 PK 11 PK 12 PK 13 PK 14 PK 15 PK 16



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