Latest Rumors Of The Most Awaited Iphone 6



Getting the iPhone 6 out of the news is more than impossible. Rumors about the next generation iPhone have been circulating since a long time. As the release is coming near, the speculations have increased, alleged leaks have also increased, and claims regarding the device have rolled out.

The latest iPhone rumors are many, are stated here. The iPhone 6 is that the display of the device will be made from sapphire. A YouTube video has been purportedly showing the alleged iPhone 6’s display, claimed to be made of sapphire material. Previous reports were that the use of costly sapphire would have the 5.5 inch model with limited production.


The launch date is somewhere between 15 to 25th September as per number reports for the alleged 4.7 and 5.5 inch iPhone 6 models, while rumors also say that the larger iPhone 6 5.5 inch variant will be named iPhone Air.

Liquidmetal shell, liquidmetal components, curved screen, sapphire crystal screen, Optical image Stabilisation (OIS), Eye-tracking, NFC (Near Field Communication), Studio Flash, health monitors and apps are some of the many rumored iPhone 6 features. Reports about weak battery with 1800mAH and 2500mAH for 4.7 and 5.5 inch models respectively are also on air.

The speculations will only end when the actual device will be officially launched by Apple Inc. till then more reports, more speculations, and more rumors.


–         By Anand Thakkar

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