Latest SMS, Wallpapers : Ashura / Muharram 2014 For Facebook, WhatsApp


Day of Ashura is on 3rd November 2014, Monday. Ashura is the 10th day of Muharram in the Islamic calendar. The day is commemorated by Shi’a Muslims as a day of mourning the death of Husayn ibn Ali who met his death at the Battle of Karbala in 61 AH.

Here we present Latest SMS, Wallpapers : Ashura / Muharram 2014 For Facebook, WhatsApp

1) All houses are decorated, Markets are full of crowd & all the people are ready to do rock on the festival of Ashura 2014.


2) Wishing you a very happy Ashura 2014, We wish that you & your family are always going to stay happy.


3) Aayi Ashura , Phor Se ek Bar, Phodo Patake, Manao Khushiya, Aayi Hai Chhath Ko Tyohar. Ashura 2014.


4) A very very Happy Ashura & we wish that Chhath maiya going to fulfill all you people dreams. Ashura 2014.


5) Angana Mein aaya,
Chhath Maiya,
Ho Binti Sunla Tu Hamar,
O meri Maiya,
Angana Mein Aaja Tu Hamar. Ashura 2014.



Day of Ashura 1 Day of Ashura 3 Day of Ashura 4 Day of Ashura 5 Day of Ashura 6 Day of Ashura 7 Day of Ashura 8



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Aishwarya Mehta
live lazzy ..... go crazzy ^_^ Berry pin - 7582495D <3 <3 intagram - ash_0309


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