Layering – The Trend That Reigns For Spring-Summer’14



Be weightless or even sheer, unpredictable or classy, super-feminine or rather sporty, layering for 2014 continues to encourage you in building upon lightness for looks that are meant to be equal parts effortless, and unique.

Pulling it off means keeping a perfect balance in everything that involves the styling: choice of fabric, colour palette, use of accessories.   From delicate camisole dresses, to transparent tops, and from bustiers, to bandeaus and standout swimwear pieces, everything can be reworked into cool, original outfits with the help of some simple layering techniques.

10 summer layering ideas that promise to inspire you for the season.:

1) Top a delicate camisole dress in a soft pastel shade with an equally graceful sheer garment, using different lengths to make even more of a bohemian statement.

2) Beachwear doesn’t have to get boring, not when you can top a minimalist one-piece swimsuit with a feather-weight knit in a matching color.

 3)   A dressy dress casually thrown over a basic t-shirt can lead to a myriad of showstopping outfits. Keep the palette of colours uncomplicated, and make the best use of cutaways and cleavages.

4)  If you aim for something unexpected and cool, try layering a short dress over a fitted pencil skirt. Don’t be afraid to mix and match fabrics, prints and embellishments.

5)   A printed bikini top, or a delicate bra that you deliberately want to show off, will look super-sexy underneath a bright crop top. Wear the combination with a full skirt for added femininity.

6)     Sneakers, leather trousers, a simple t-shirt with its sleeves rolled up and a bustier to top it all off. Despite its basic appeal, this combination has nothing plain about it.

 7) A statement bustier, the more intricate and embellished the better, looks best when layered on top of a basic top, paired with a full, lightweight skirt and statement mules.

Taking it to summer accessories, the light layering can be achieved using as little as a bandana or a scarf, and a wide-brimmed hat.   There’s definitely more than one way to sport a sexy swimsuit on and off the beach.

For a super chic rendition, wear the swimsuit underneath a white button-down, classic or see-through. Style yourself with these ideas in mind and loosen the fashionista in you!


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Riya Lokhande


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