Leadership: One step Beyond


Hi all,

I have a very outstanding reason to write this blog post. From last couple of days, I have been constantly thinking about one simple sentence of Robin S. That one sentence was constantly flowing through my mind and my thoughts. My all actions, activities and tasks were actually aligned with that one simple sentence. And that one simple sentence has actually created new path of perfection for me. I couldn’t resist myself to think about it. And that ignited me to write something about it. You all might be wondering what I am talking about. And why I am so much excited about that one simple sentence.

So my friends, the Simple but Powerful sentence goes like this.

“Lead Without Title.”

Now just get relaxed, take deep breath and close your eyes. And just think about above sentence. Just give one minute to your mind to think about the most powerful sentence. And then read next paragraph.
This simple and most powerful sentence has capability to transform the thinking pattern, attitude, and approach towards the life of humans. It has the potential of providing all new paradigms in anyone’s life. It is capable enough to harness the inner potential of humans to lead them on right path of Personal and Professional Development.
This sentence says that every man on this planet is potentially a Leader. A Leader doesn’t want any title to lead the Team, Group, Society, Nation or World. All He (the leader) wants is, the deepest values and character in his life.

We have seen people with a master in organizational leadership education defining leadership as providing vision, giving Goal and target. But according to me, true meaning of Leadership is to harness the inner talent of people and inspire them to be a Leader. It’s more about harvesting the qualities and their passion for the work. And nurture them to become great.

Lead without title helps to become every single living human to be a leader without any position.
Lead without title is not about the Title but it’s about how you show up, and how you inspire people.

If you have following basic elements in your life then I can call you an Extraordinary Leader. Here I am not criticizing anyone, but below are the basic fundamental elements which we have forgotten in today’s world. We now a days work on Quick Fix solution to our life. Those are good but the effect is temporary. It can heal from outside but not from inside. So please spare some time to do introspection, speak to your mind, your heart and to your soul and seek the answer of following elements. And then you will have the self realization. The elements are as follow.


  • Character Ethics:


It is the Foundation of Success. It is the basic element of Living Effectively. One can only experience the true success and enduring happiness, if one has Character Ethics in Life. Otherwise all the victories and achievements in Personal, Professional, Social and Spiritual life has no meaning to it. Person without Character ethics, can’t run long. But the one, who has Character in life, has the real POWER of Transforming the life and Inspiring others to better life. Please read following Sentence from Abraham Lincoln

“Character is like a tree and reputation like a shadow. The shadow is what we think of it; the tree is the real thing.”
So please work on character and Lead others.

  • Discipline:

This is one more ingredient of leading people. When you are self disciplined and you have control on your senses. It automatically comes out of your actions and work which you do. Great leaders had utmost discipline in their life and that created resolution for young bloods. There are few nice quotes

“Mastering others is strength. Mastering yourself is true power.”
— Lao Tzu
“The first and best victory is to conquer self.”
— Plato
Greek Philosopher
If you can master your own self, then it is the ultimate victory you give to yourself.
  • Determination
If you have the determination and passion, then the word Impossible becomes “I AM(M) POSSIBLE”. Your passion towards your dream can inspire people to walk with you. There is a nice quote for determination.
“The difference between the impossible and the possible lies in a man’s determination.”
— Tommy Lasorda
So friends there are so many such qualities one should have in life, to lead the life without title. If you all can think the sentence Lead without Title again, then it will bring the spirit, passion and it will ignite the force to lead someone. If one single person (no matter how old is he/she, no matter of rich or poor is he/she, no matter what society/community does he/she belong) can get inspired from your thoughts then You are a True Leader for them. You are the Path Maker for them. In short you are a Leader without title… because YOU HAVE THE POWER TO INSPIRE SOMEONE.
Let me finish my post here with one very powerful quote.
“Leadership is action, not position.”
– Donald H. McGannon

Be a Leader!!!
Shyam Gohil

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