You may start your own business as soon as you conjure an idea having viable legs in the business world. While, this holds true there are also certain entrepreneurial traits that you must know and learn before stepping in this field. Leadership is an inevitable element of a successful entrepreneur. It is more like air, we won’t see it but surely we will feel it. These 4 hidden elements entrepreneurs should learn before starting up:
1- Communicate, don’t speak.
The difference between both of them is speaking means telling people what needs to be done, how to feel etc while communicating is creating meaning out of the conversations through self-discovery. All effective leaders communicate to individuals but also speak to the masses. As a entrepreneur you need to develop your communication skills and learn when to communicate and when to speak.
2- The “wow” factor.
Your body language plays a very important role as a leader. People would not want a lazy guy who has a no physical appearance to be their leader,would they? Physical appearance is not only looks, it about how you carry yourself. Don’t just stand straight, stand in stature.
3- Small talk.
Art of conversing effectively is a small talk. As a leader, you need to develop this art. Don’t worry if you aren’t talkative. But always keep one liners and few opening lines in your back pocket to deliver to your colleagues. Motivating people to work is a duty of effective leader.
4- Thought leadership.
The term “thought leader” is breaking from the norms of industry and having the courage to say “go” when everyone else says “no”. It is difficult to be a thought leader as you go against the industry grains, open yourself to higher risks and perseverance to withstand downfall. In other words, as a thought leader you also spark qualities in people around you and push them beyond their limits.
Starting a business without knowing these basic entrepreneurial traits(leadership) and qualities of leadership can be recognized as a business suicide. Knowing is half the battle. You are prepared for ways to fix the problem if you have information about the potential challenge. The better prepared you are for those encounters that often arise out of nowhere, the longer your leadership brand will sustain its value.
-Vatsal Doshi