

Leading is the use of communication by a manager to guide, motivate, influence, and direct people’s efforts toward achievement.
a. Early approaches were focused on traits of an effective leader; however studies have not found any specific trait(s) that are universally effective for all leaders. Review the studies in the text.
b. Contingency theories analyze situational differences and the realization that effective leadership involves more than specific traits or behaviors. Fred Fiedler suggested that the match between the leader’s style and the needs of the follower play was important for effective leadership. Paul Hersey and Ken Blanchard developed Situational Leadership Theory which focuses on the readiness of the followers.
c. Other leadership approaches include:
• Transformational leaders make drastic changes
• Transactional leaders clarify roles and task requirements
• Self-leadership uses work teams
d. Effective leadership can be associated with certain characteristics like those listed in the text. However, the approaches vary by level.
• Legitimate power and authority
• Coercive power
• Reward power
• Expert power
• Referent power
e. Theories of motivation have evolved from studies of what causes people to act in certain ways.
• Early theorists include Abraham Maslow (Hierarchy of Needs), Douglas McGregor (Theory X and Y), and Frederick Herzberg (Hygiene factors, Motivational factors, dissatisfiers, and satisfiers)
• Contemporary Theories are broken down into three schools: Content theories focus on what causes people to act in certain ways; process theories focus on choosing actions; and reinforcement theories look at consequences.

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