Leaked International Finance paper was sent thrice for printing!


The leaked third year BMS paper ( TYBMS) of international finance which leaked on April 25 was sent for printing thrice before the exam. Thus, increasing the possibility of a leakage. A three member committee, which was appointed to probe the leak, submitted their report on Thursday to the Mumbai University.

The report, however, could not point out at any particular reason for the leak. When the university was informed about the leak, the university asked all colleges to return the question paper bundles as it is. However, seven colleges had sent opened bundles. But these colleges had evidences to prove that they opened the bundles before they got university’s message.

The committee was headed by ST Gadade, the former dean of commerce. The report pointed out that the paper should have ideally been printed only once. One set was selected as the final question paper on March 16. However, it was sent for printing again on April 16 and then on April 23. This could have been done to meet the requirement of the numbers of question papers.

College officials, students and university staff from these colleges were called for investigation, but the paper setters did not report for questioning in spite of getting called twice.

Source – The Times of India


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