Leander Paes, India’s famous tennis player, filed a 27-page petition in the Family Court in Bandra seeking the custody of his daughter Aiyana as he is worried about his daughter’s safety, welfare and wellbeing. Leander Paes claimed in the petition, that he first met Rhea, an instructor in the Art of Living Foundation in 2003 on a flight to Goa. Rhea invited Paes to make a guest appearance in the AOL show after which they constantly started interacting with each other. By then Rhea was separated from her ex-husband Sanjay Dutt. In 2005, Aiyana was born after which Paes was ready to take up the responsibility of the child. But after the birth of the child, Rhea distanced herself deliberately from Paeas. As per the petition, Paes wants to seek “permanent custody of Aiyana”. Rhea Pillai declined to comment on the case.
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