‘Learn to accept criticism and lesson from failure’ says Saishakti Tewar, TYBMS Sem 5 Topper 2013-14, BNN College

Interview with Saishakti Thevar, TYBMS Sem 5 Topper 2013-14, BNN College who scored 75.28%.

1. How does it feel to be a Topper in the university exams?

It’s an amazing feeling to be a college topper in university exam. But the truth is that I never wanted to become topper. My aim & goal was to achieve 76% only but I can’t achieve it in 5th semester so i will try my best for 6th semester.

2. Did you follow any specific method to go about your studies?

No in reality I am very lazy for studies. I can’t do study seriously even though I cant study in day I always used to study at night.

3. Did you attend any coaching classes? If yes for which subject?

Ya I attended the classes & it was “ASPIRE COMMERCE ACADEMY”. I joined for all subjects because i don’t study so i have to attend theory lectures too so I joined for all subjects.

4. What was your specialization subject?


5. Why did you opt for it?

I get bored with theory subjects & my practicals are good as compared to theory & I m not interested in the field of marketing so i opt for FINANCE.

6. Which was your worst paper? Why?

The worst paper was financial management because it was on the day of my birthday & in reality i was very confident with financial management but the exam was quite tough & even after knowing solution i left out with 10 marks cause of time constraint.

7. The Black Book project contributing a significant part to the percentage, please share the experiences you had during the preparation of the project and how has it benefited you.

It was a very good experience because first time for the purpose of project i did research & communicated with lots unknown person so it was very good experience.

8. Any tips and advises for your juniors?

I have not achieved a very big thing to give advice then too for my juniors i would like to tell ” never accept your failure as backlog just believe that ” i am not failed just my success is postponed” so always learn a lesson from failure & from success you have to learn how to face Criticism”.

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