Learning the Musical Way!


Intro: All of you must have enjoyed listening to a particular song or a piece of music. After all, music is a mode of expression and a peaceful treat! But have you ever tried learning the musical way?

Music is not only a stress-buster but it also teaches many things. Learning a musical instrument not only develops a talent but it also teaches many qualities which one may not learn through any other activity. There are a lot of musical instruments to choose from.One can choose any instrument according to his interests. And if you think it is boring and useless thing to learn a musical instrument. Just go through the following benefits of music, your decision will surely change!

The biggest advantage of learning music is that the person playing it gets involved with it. There is a passion related to music and one cannot get away from it. The passion is contagious. Playing music builds up concentration as to play something good, you have to listen it well and play it with full attention. You have timing, counting, dynamics, mood, speed involved in perfect playing of a musical instrument.You also need co-ordination between the mind and the body for this. When one develops both of these skills, confidence and show-manship are next to follow as one has to finally present what he has learnt.

Playing music also has other added advantages. Over all, the process to learn to play music is relatively slow. But, like many things, there are times you may advance quickly, and times when you may struggle. Thus, it teaches patience and perseverance. If you really start to enjoy your music, you tend to start meeting likeminded people. Thus, the social network increases. It also encourages discipline and team-work. Playing music is something that can be done in just about any mood. So, the sorrow when one has in a bad mood can be greatly lessened. And most important, it encourages creativity! It is clean,good and healthy fun. On the positive aspects of playing music, John Thapa , a music teacher feels “ Music is a good teacher as it not only deveops talents but also the learning process is very enjoyable and challenging. Nashikites have understood this concept to some extent. As, every month I’ve twenty new admissions for learning some musical instrument!”

Come on, friends…whether old or small, music is for you all! Start learning a musical instrument from now on for even though you don’t excel in it, you will surely excel in other spheres of your personality!

Saahil Narang

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