The minute you hear the word lecture or speech a picture of a boring seminar hall occupied by lots of people listening to a boring or you may even call it annoying speech comes to your mind. Bored, irritated, annoyed and god knows what not you just wish of running from that place!
But there are some speeches, lectures, sessions which have the capability of leaving a positive impact on the listener. The size of the speech isn’t really important if what you’re speaking is useful it maybe a short two line used on the correct time and would make sense in comparison to a long speech which would make the listeners think why are they even listening to such a thing!
Sometimes our parents and teachers or elders take-up the task of lecturing if we commit a mistake! This is the most difficult time for all children as your parents would remind you of all the mistakes you have committed in the last two years or if not the last two years atleast the last two months and also remind you of the punishments and how you have still not improved. It is not necessary that children will always learn from what you tell them sometimes they want to experiment and learn things by themselves so a lecture is not always required as even if you give one they would never be interest, they’ll listen to it patiently and joke and laugh about the same and forget it the very next hour. This is the case especially with adolescents or you may even call them teenagers. These young adults love to rule their life and carve their road themselves and so instead of giving them a lecture every time they commit a mistake parents should sometimes even try to ignore their mistakes and let them learn themselves so that when they are about to cross the boundary and you stop them from doing so your words are valued and they stop and correct themselves then and there. This was the case with elders and children the same goes with parents. When elders are called for PTA meetings, society meetings, etc. The first statement you will hear from them is – ‘gaya mera ek ghanta’ which means ‘my half an hour of the day would be wasted by this stupid meeting’. All these meetings are very boring as the main subject is always told at the end and so people feel bored even at the thought of attending such meetings!
Great speakers like MK. GANDHI, JAWAHARLAL NEHRU, NELSON MADELA, have given thousands of speeches but even now people like to read about them the words they spoke and their ideologies such was their impact on people.
One of the greatest example of the best speaker of this era would be our Prime Minister MR.NARENDRA MODI. His speeches inspire the listeners and motivate anyone who is listening to him. He is a man who represents future INDIIA