Lent – Prayer Abstinence And Repentance


The season of lent is a season we Christians are called to pray, repent and believe. We repent for our sins and keep the abstinence. Abstinence is basically self-control from indulging into wrong doings. There can be two types of abstinence they are abstinence from alcohol or sexual abstinence. We shall keep our body mind and soul clean and also refrain from all wrong doings. It is a season that marks the beginning of the 40days fast followed by Good Friday and the Easter when Jesus rose from the dead. It starts from Ash Wednesday where the priest anoints the head with ash of dust (blessed ash). Since that day marks the beginning of lent.

Lent should be compulsorily kept by every catholic however most of the people don’t really believe in keeping it. Lent is just like the 40 day fast that Muslims and maharashtrians keep which is known as ramzan and shravan. Just the way they have to fast and avoid non veg food and all the other things that we are addicted to. In the similar manner even we Catholics have something called as lent. It is advisable to keep lent. Lent is needed for the body mind and soul. Lent should be kept as a sign of respect for the lord.

The lord travelled 40 days and 40 nights without food and kept fasting. In the similar manner we too should follow his footsteps. Alcohol and sex are the two most addictive things that temp us. We must give up these two things as a sign of respect towards the lord. Lent is a season of fasting and prayer. When you fast do not make a sulking face and show people that you are fasting. You should not even tell people that you are fasting instead you must oil your hair and wash your face to look fresh. No one should know that you are fasting. It’s a kind of a sacrifice that you do.

When you fast you shouldn’t make a big deal out of it as it is something good that you do. There is a difference between fasting and dieting. If you starve yourself because you want to lose weight then you shouldn’t. It isn’t worth it. You are not doing it to lose weight but you are doing it for the love of god and a sign of sacrifice. Also you must quit the things that you are addicted to be it smoking, drinking or drugs. These things that are most addictive are things that you get tempted to. Drinking smoking and drugs the use of it and consumption of it shows that you are more incline to such other things and you must find pleasure in prayer and in god.

Sex is a very beautiful thing that exists on earth. When you get intimate you do feel good and also there is a certain kind of pleasure that takes you away into a different world. All this is just sexual pleasures. Like I said before you must find pleasure in prayer and not sex. Prayer is not meant just for priest and religious and the old it is meant for all of us. Sex when done after marriage with your own spouse is considered ethical and legal. Morally it is right to have sex but after marriage.  Many of us have a sexual needs and desires before marriage and it is considered wrong and it is a sin.

Lust greed and gluttony are the 3 deadly diseases out of the 7 deadly sin. They are like a disease that is not good.  Fasting is the most important thing in the season of lent. Forgiveness is the essence of lent. Lent is all about repentance. Forgiving our sins is what Jesus does to us in the season.  Jesus died on the cross because of our sins. Our sins are been forgiven during this season. In fact this season is all about forgiveness. Lent is all about prayer abstinence and forgiveness.

The happiness that you get after keeping a 40 day fast is worth feeling. When you fast you become morally strong. Religiously fasting is good but even fasting is good for the body. Fasting helps the body by removing all the bad toxins from the body. It is said that we eat every day and our body needs rest. Finally then by fasting our body gets adequate rest. It intoxicates the body.

Few things you need to do while lent

  1. Prayer

Praying at all times is important. Prayers are especially important in the season of lent. Saying the rosary to our lady is important. Especially the sorrowful mysteries are important in the season of lent as it is a season of sorrows where the lord will be crucified on the cross.

  1. Read the bible

Reading the holy bible is important. Prayer and fasting go hand in hand. The season of lent gets complete when you read and understand what the bible tells you. The bible has so many messages for you. You never know what all solutions you may get to your problems. It isn’t that difficult to understand the messages and the hidden meanings.

  1. Stations of the cross

The 14 Stations of the Cross are the 14 things that Jesus went through on his way to Calvary. These 14 stations show the sorrow and the pain of the son of god who died on the cross for our sins and to free us from all our sins failures and faults.

Confession is the most important thing to do during this season. Confessing your sins may be believe and repent. Only the catholic religion has the sacrament of confession and we as Christians should be thankful for being given this sacrament and also make use of this sacrament to the fullest. When you confess your sins you feel lighter.

Fasting is the opposite of gluttony. Gluttony being a sin where you over indulge in food and fasting is sacrificing food as a sign for the love and sacrifice of your sins.




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