Let The Child Live!


In every real man a child is hidden that wants to play. ~Friedrich Nietzsche

This quote exemplifies what I feel right now. We all grow up from being kids to being adults and ultimately we grow old. This is life. But the attitude we have as kids, that of being curious, enthusiastic, playful little beings gets lost somewhere in the process of “growing up”. We tend to kill the child in us in the name of being mature. We tend to merge in with the society around us not knowing the fact that we are becoming a part of it. We lose our inner child, become something which we were not. Is this what we call maturity?

Why do people tend to kill the inner child? The reasons are many. But the most common one is that we tend to let go of certain things that are important to us but the society thinks its unimportant and just to be accepted in that society and not be labelled an outcast, we let go. We let go not because we want to, but because we are forced to. This is the one way we kill the child. The other important reason is that if you are passionate about something, or enthusiastic about something, we tend to leave it or are told “not to fly in the air without wings” or things like “Keep your feet on the ground”. In my opinion, onlythe laws of Physics keep us from flying without wings. NOT the society.

We are labelled as crazy, cynical, idiotic, stupid and what not when we show real enthusiasm or real excitement for something that we truly love or truly enjoy. Either we are told to be realistic or are told to pursue something that is more achievable or more easy to get. The wings of our dreams, the same dreams we see when we are kids, are clipped by the society at large.

In my opinion, unless you dream, nothing will take shape in reality. Nothing will occur. Dreams are there to show you how it can be and not how its impossible. Its very much possible because YOU dreamt it.

Enthusiasm is something that gives birth to Passion. And its this Passion that takes you forward to quenching your thirst for something that you have been wanting to do all your life. The hunger for success can only be fulfilled by this very passion. The world will think you are crazy or unrealistic or idiotic, but the same world will be after you when you have achieved what you set out for. We should let our inner child take over our passion, enthusiasm and dreams. Then only we will reach atleast halfway to what we have set out for. You will fall, you will fail, but then children never give up.

So let the child live and let him take over yourself, take advice from society but use it only if you deem it right. Nothing is more truer than the child inside you.

Akar Gosrani

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