Let Us rate the Overrated image of daily soaps!



Whenever you ask the youth about their opinion on daily soaps, you get quite a few expected replies like “overrated”, “overboard”, “over-the-top” and over..everything. Yes, there is no doubt that daily soaps tend to hype a lot of things in the shows which makes them so hard to believe that people actually watch them as a comedy program. I used to have the same opinion until I once sat down one lazy afternoon switching from channel to channel and since I was too lazy to switch to the next channel I settled to see whatever tv serial that was playing. The thing that fascinated me was that after watching the show for five minutes, I had already figured out what was going on in the story and I seemed to have gotten hooked to it. I have no idea how, these serials are framed in such a way that they have certain characteristics that people can pick up from wherever they start watching it. Television is a crucial influence on people in our country and such shows definitely influence in some way or the other.  But even then, these shows seem to have lost their value because of some reason or the other.

When I tried to figure out the reasons, something that came up starkly was when o started  comparing them to the world tv series. Our daily soaps lack innovation and hence makes the content very dry, mundane and utterly predictable. Moreover, most people can’t relate to the stories that they show. Directors have to realize that the world is progressing and the mindsets of people is also changing and if they continue with bland and old plots then the Indiantv industry has no future.

Even if the there are some interesting plots and concepts that come up from time to time, they eventually fail because of how much they tend to stretch and drag throughout the years. There are so many cases where the serial starts off with bang and comes down to being a bummer. The concepts of seasonal shows is missing in daily soaps and they I instead take year leaps to add zest to the story but it just makes the show more complicated. Creativity isn’t consistent and even writers need a break to build up their mind for new concepts. Dragging stories just gets them to repeat the same old concepts again and again. The problem with this industry is that it doesn’t want to change and people hardly pay attention to it. It’s not that we don’t have talent it’s just that we don’t realize the demand of the public and put sufficient efforts towards it.  So we should stop criticizing and start constructing if we want to give the tv industry a new image.

 – Anwesha Rath

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