Lets Celebrate 64th Independence Day with zeal!


To all the members of BMS.co.in and all BMSites,

Wishing a very HAPPY INDEPENDENCE DAY 2011!

Loved Indians, 
Let us celebrate & enjoy the freedom to live 
independently in our country Cheerfully,
Helpfully, Hopefully, Peacefully by remembering 
our National Heroes who gave us Freedom after suffering pain & humilation. 


 Some things just can’t be expressed in words
Some people just can’t be lived without
Love can speak volumes even when words cant
So all i am going to say is ..
I love u India!
Happy Independence Day to all! 

BMSites share their views on what they think about Independence day – just a holiday or more than that!!

“I think Independence day is just a holiday for me! “ – Asif Shaikh

“A day where there is no dependency, a day without Hippocracy and share love with each one of us.” – Sayan Brahma

“Independence day is more than just a holiday. Its very important as our country got independence on 15th August 1947. I feel its a day wherein I can remember our National Heroes who fought for us.” – Kshitij Savantdesai

“Independence day is a day where every Indian feels he/she is a soldier and protector of the country. On this day, everyone feels proud and have a gut feeling that WE Indians have great power. Its not just a holiday, this one day from our busy life is dedicated and a salute to the soldiers at the battlefield  for whom there is only one dream that he hopes to return home safely.” – Amandeep Singh

“I feel Independence Day is just a holiday which is on a Monday this year.” – Shweta Majalkar

“Independence day is just more than a holiday. We should celebrate our national day with true Indian heart! And I don’t know but on this day, I feel more protective because of our soldiers and freedom fighters who dedicated their lives for Aazaadi!

Because of them, we are protected and living in demographic environment. So, I think we should dedicate 15th August to all the soldiers and freedom fighters!!

Just go in slum areas on Independence day and just help them out or just see the conditions of their areas or else attend Independence day occasions and then think how you feel!

Well, every year I go in slum areas to help the needy people and this year I am going to Raigad!

And also visit some historical places, museums so that you will come to know how freedom fighters fought against Britishers for freedom. It will surely motivate the TRUE INDIAN in YOU!


– Yatin Patil

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