The Fading Concept of Love Letters- A Beautiful Way to Express Love!


When was the last time you wrote a letter to someone you love? When was the last time you expressed your feelings through words on a piece of paper? To be frank I haven’t written a letter since ages, thanks to SMS and Whatsapp. The first thing I think is, why write a letter to someone when it’s going to take days to reach that person, instead I can just drop in a message through Whatsapp or SMS or rather call and let the person know in moments. Its cliche isn’t it?

Letters are something you can treasure for as long as you want, but can you do the same with Whatsapp messages or SMS? No, who would keep so many messages in their phone? But then that’s secondary. You know what’s the best part about writing letters? When you write a letter to your close one, you let your feelings and soul flow through the pen onto a piece of paper, which when reaches the person makes him/her feel your presence next to them, even if you live miles away!

I love the curiosity one has, when he/she is waiting for a reply to the letter..haha that’s something SMS and Whatsapp lovers can never experience. Letters give you the same feeling always, you feel so loved and the tinge you feel inside is inexpressible! Even after reading it a 1000 times, you feel you can never get enough of it.

I love the novel P.S I Love You by Cecelia Ahern, not because it’s a romantic story, but because I loved the concept of expressing love through letters, used by the character Gary, for his wife Holly. Gary had written 10 letters to his wife Holly before dying of cancer. She started receiving letters which he had written, from the next month of his funeral. While reading each letter, she would feel his presence next to her, telling her how much he loved her and asking her to cheer up and move on with her life. She would wait desperately every month to receive his letter and read each of them again and again. Isn’t this just beautiful?

Guys think gifting something expensive to the girl would make her feel special, but they don’t know even a small letter about his feelings would be just priceless for her! It’s not the gift that matters but what really does is, your feelings!

– Saloni Tolia.

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Smita Singh


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