Letter Format For IPCC Results Verification Procedure




1. Application should be in Students’ Hand Written.

giving detail w.r.t. your Roll Number, address, Attempted Group, papers desired to be revalued and attach the required fees by way of postal order favour of Secretary, ICAI. Result will be out in approximately in 30 days. Chances are low but you can’t say.

2. This application is required to be submitted with in a month from the date of declaration of result.

3. The DD Should be drawn in Favor of
”The Secretary, The ICAI, payable at New Delhi”

4. The application for Verification of Answer Book along with the desired fee DD be sent to:
The Additional Secretary (Exam)
ICAI Bhawan
Post Box No. 7112
The Institute of Chartered Accountants of India
Indraprastha Marg, New Delhi – 110 002.



C/o …………. Firm


The Additional Secretary (Exam),
ICAI Bhawan
Post Box No. 7112
The Institute of Chartered Accountants of India
Indraprastha Marg, New Delhi – 110 002.

Sub: Re-verification of answer books for Nov 2011 Final Examination

Roll No.: *****

Dear Sir,Madam,

In reference to the above captioned subject it is humbly submitted that as per the results announced on 18th January, 2011, I obtained ** marks in “Financial Reporting”, ** marks in “Strategic Financial Management” which were lesser than I was expecting in this examination. Therefore I am unsure so as to why such unfavorable result emanated in this examination.

It is my humble request to this dignified office to kindly consider a re – verification of my answer books for the aforementioned 4 subjects so that an inadvertent error, if any, gets duly rectified.

I am enclosing herewith a Demand Draft no. _______dated _______drawn on ______bank amounting to Rs. _________ towards the re – verification fees as per the as per the rules of The Institute of Chartered Accountants of India.

I hope my request shall meet with an approval from your end at the earliest convenient opportunity.

Thanking you in anticipation,

Yours sincerely
NRO *******.



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