Life After BMS…


life after bms

So folks you must have appeared for your Third Year BMS exams or have taken BMS and thinking what would be life like after completing your BMS. Well I have completed my BMS and for me it’s a sad feeling as my college life is over and gonna miss those great days and seriously speaking I don’t believe I don’t have to give any exams or make any presentations now, as I enjoyed it.

It’s a different world as you are probably going to enter into the corporate world. It is possible that you are a fresher and had decided to start working after completing the graduation. Well, so searching the job may be hectic as you are confused which field to choose Marketing, Finance, IT, Retail, Logistics, HR etc. Well being a Management student you should know what you are good at. BMS did have a specialization of Marketing or Finance. If you don’t know what to choose, the best thing would be to research deeply into your favorite topics or do a couple of internship and see what you like to enjoy.

You might also be looking for MBA colleges and how to crack the entrance exam. Some like to do job and MBA together, some do full time MBA while some just start working with just a degree of BMS with some additional diploma. There is also an option of becoming an entrepreneur as this course is said to be a self financing course. The life after BMS is kind of confusing for some for a while or for some it’s an inception to a new life as a professional and it’s an end of student-hood.

For me, Life after BMS is writing articles and searching and doing a job which I love to do and of course waiting for results as it will take ages.

– Jainam Jhaveri

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