Life At BMS : My First Day At Mithibai College


first day of college

Best! What do you mean by this word? What is best actually? Best has different meanings to different people. As for example – if an orphan child all of sudden is adopted by good family he will think he is leading a better life than what he used to in the orphanage and he will consider it as best, but on the other hand if a beggar is starving since 4 days and on fifth day if someone gives him food he may take it as the best day of his life. Thus it means different to each one of us.

College – a place where you come to study but along with it have the best time of your life as you get to know more people, make new friends, learn new things, you become responsible, and also learn important lessons which will help us in our further life.

Everyone dreams of getting the best college after they passout from school. But as we know not all are lucky enough to get admission in the college of their choice. Mumbai has a number of good colleges viz. XAVIERS, KC, WILSON, MMK, HR, JAIHIND, HINDUJA, NM, last but not the least MITHIBAI, etc

And we all know best colleges demand best percentage also. Getting the best percentage which the college demands is easy but the kind of competition which students have to face nowadays is more difficult than getting a good percentage. Many of the applicants don’t get admission in college of their choice just because of a difference in some points in the percentage compared to another.

But I was lucky enough to get admission into Mithibai College the college of my choice and also into the desired course! {BMS}

My first day of college was on 1st of July 2014.  It was a Tuesday afternoon, it was raining. I had reached college an hour early. As I was new to Mithibai I was very curious to visit every nook and corner of my new college and also get to know it better. And so I visited each and every floor. I started with the ground floor on the exterior side there is a huge spacious canteen which serves almost everything and on the interior side there is a big library which consists of more than thousand books the chemistry, physics laboratories are also there on this floor. On the first floor we have the 1- Juhu Jagruti hall also known as JJH, and 2- Centre of performing arts. On the second floor we have our computer laboratory, the third and the fourth floor is mainly occupied by the junior college students as their classrooms are here.

The fifth floor belongs to the architecture students and sixth, seventh and eighth floor is for the degree college students. Our staff room is on the sixth floor. After wandering all over I decided to head to my classroom which was on the eight floor in room number 802. As I entered I was nervous as we all classmates were new to each other. Our first lecture was taken by our class mentor; MISS KANUPRIYA SHARMA. She introduced herself to us as well as told us about the college rules and regulations which were to be followed. We also introduced ourselves to her. My first friends were AFSHA and NAZNEEN. And as it was the first day we had college for just an hour and then from next day the busy routine started. In a week’s time I was appointed as the CR and I was very happy.

Altogether it was an awesome and one of the unforgettable days of my life!

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Afifa Qureshi