Hell or heaven – You decide!


Hell or heaven

heyyyyyy friends………its me again ur exam doc “Dhara shah”

gonna tel u 2day sumthng about how lyf is at BMS_____________

BMS called as Bachelor in Management studies officially but for me it made my BLOOD CREEP …..hahahahaha….dont be so serious or dont get tensed.. i am just kidding…Honestly saying i used to think that BMS is a really easy course…i used to take it lightly.. But when actually i entered into it, its really difficult from other general courses…it wud take d hell out of you…….mostly to find time for yourselves get difficult….sometimes when you wanna take leave you wud think 10 times on it whether today madam is goin to take assignments or tutorials…(this thinking only goes who are serious students)….hahahaha..just kidding…y u guys always take me serios..anyways , jokes apart…

At BMS my life was just surrounded by me, my college, class, friends,assignments,projects,internal tests and sumtimes even hangouts with friends. BMS is a field wherein you generally don’t get free time. you are sticked to routine schedule. In that routine schedule we used to have fun in college with friends, teachers and even in different events. The life at the time when you are at middle or crux of the course you may find frustrating, pissed or screwed up. But now when i completed my BMS i can say i just love that busy life as we dont get time to bore ourselves or others….BMS also has industrial visits which i loved it…i wished that it would be for many days as we just used to enjoy like anything and we get the opportunity to see the industries which i think no one of us would be able to see neither….thats a trailor about BMS but when you actually face it you will realise how BMS is……

Life has two sides as coins have so accept it as it comes. Dont lose your courage anytime come what may.Think it as life is taking your test.Just keep smiling and enjoy every moment by just being happy with yourselves and from your innerselves.Do what you want to do and keep your personal and professional life different. Life at BMS becomes more or less competitive but just chill and take every moment lightly and if you are scared at something then……………………………………………………………………………



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I am Dhara Shah, a BMS graduate, a friendly person with a happy go lucky nature but cannot stand by lies in front of me, sometimes stubborn as well. I am fun loving kinda person and talkative too.


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